Health Dashboard - Available information - Overview section

Summary: An explanation of the Overview section of the Health Dashboard, the tiles available and the drill down options.


The Overview section is available in both the Multi-application and Single Application landing pages. It displays a variety of tiles "out of the box" that contain information about the entire portfolio of Applications (multi-Application page) or a single Application. Data in these tiles represents the most recent "grade" of your Application or Applications for a specific Quality or Sizing measurement in the most recent snapshot.

Each tile contains a specific type of data, for example data about: Robustness, Security, Number of Critical Violations, Number of Lines of Code and so on. When you have more than one Application (i.e. multi-Application view), the data in these tiles is either a sum of all the Applications (for example the Technical Size tile) or is an average of all the Applications (the TQI tile).

The following tiles are provided out of the box with the Health Dashboard:


Single application

Number of Applications

This tile is visible only in the multi-application landing page. It lists the total number of applications available in the dashboard.

Drill down behavior

Clicking the Number of Application tile will drill down to the list of all the applications available in the dashboard. Each application in the list can be clicked, and it takes you to the single Application landing page, for further investigation of the data.

Click to enlarge

By entering the Application name or just the initial letters of the application in "Search Application" you may view the application, this option helps to save your time.

Health Measure tiles

Health Measure tiles include:

  • TQI (Total Quality Index)
  • Robustness
  • Efficiency
  • Security
  • Changeability
  • Transferability

These tiles show a grade between 1.0 (poor) and 4.0 (good) for the Application or Applications (for multi-Applications, the grade is an average for all Applications consolidated into the Dashboard), for a given Health Measure or Business Criteria. Each Health Measure is constructed of multiple different Technical Criteria and Rules - the grade of each of these items contributes to the overall grade for the given Health Factor.

Drill down behaviour


Clicking any of the Health Measure tiles will drill down to show the grade in a bar graph for each Application in the dashboard.

Mouse rollover on the grade bar graph will display detailed information about the technologies.

Click to enlarge

Clicking a bar in the graph will take you to the single application drill down page for the specific Health Measure you have clicked.

Single application

Clicking any of the Health Measure tiles will drill down to show more detailed information about the specific Health Measure:

Click to enlarge

Grade evolution section

Grade feature helps user to filter the grade of the application in the following areas: Compliance, Total Violations, Critical Violations, New Violations, Added Critical Violations, Removed Violations, Removed Critical Violations. 

Click to enlarge

Filter section

The filter section enables you to filter the information displayed in the Graph:


By default in the Characteristics tab, the Health Factor in the tile you clicked will be selected and only data about this Health Factor will be displayed in the Graph:

Selecting additional Health Factors will update the data in the Graph with the additional Health Factor:


The Criteria tab enables you to filter further and display data for specific Technical Criteria. By default no criteria are selected, therefore data in the Graph will not show any specific Technical Criteria. When a criterion is selected it will be added to the Graph:

Click to enlarge

Data filter (Grade drop-down)

Grade drop-down lists following Data filter: Compliance, Total Violations, Critical Violations, New Violations, Added Critical Violations, Removed Violations, Removed Critical Violations. 

For default assessment model all the above Grades are displayed.

For other Industry Standard models, only following grades will be displayed: Compliance, Total Violations, New Violations, and Removed Violations.

Selecting any data filter enables user to view details in graphical format, as shown in the below screen. 


Graph feature lets the user view the selected snapshot detail in graphical format, as shown in the below screen.

Snapshot will be auto-selected while changing the business criteria and size indicators.

Time span filter

Time span filter lets the user to view the analysis details of a specific duration by selecting the time duration from in the drop-down.

Quick facts section

In  v. ≥ 2.5.0-funcrel, the Grade value is unavailable in ISO-555 View.

User can get the summary of the snapshot selected from the graph, for the selected characteristics/criteria.

Risk Profile section

The Risk Profile section helps you to view criteria and rules of the selected snapshot. You can view the rules grouped within the criteria. To view rule details of particular criterion select the checkbox and the snapshot from the graph.

Below screen lists the rules grouped with the specific criteria:


In basic terms, the Weight of an item signifies "how important" the item is. The higher the value, the more weight the item carries and therefore violations in rules/Technical Criteria with higher weights should be fixed first:


Weight of the rule in the parent Technical Criteria. For rules a specific formula is used:

Weight of the rule in the Technical Criteria (defined in the rule itself) x Weight of the Technical Criteria in the parent Business Criteria (Health Measure)

You can roll the mouse over the weight to view the value:

Technical Criteria

Weight of the Technical Criteria in the parent Business Criteria (Health Measure). You can roll the mouse over the weight to view the value:



Total number of times the rule has been violated, i.e. the number of components which contain source code that violates the rule.

Technical Criteria

The sum of all failed checks for all rules that contribute to the Technical Criteria.



Total number of times the rule has been triggered but not violated, i.e. the number of components which contain source code that does not violate the rule.

Technical Criteria

The sum of all succeeded checks for all rules that contribute to the Technical Criteria.


This column displays the percentage compliance ratio for the specific Technical Criteria or Rule. Note that "N/A" will be displayed if the filters Only critical rules and Only rules with violations are active.


This value represents the percentage compliance to the rule. The higher the value the better, in the example below, the rule was triggered 15 times and only 1 component out of the 15 violated the rule, giving a percentage compliance ratio of 93%:

Technical Criteria

This value represents the average compliance ratio for all rules that contribute to the Technical Criteria.


This column displays the average industry compliance ratio for the specific Technical Criteria or Rule - i.e. the average industry compliance ratio across all Applications currently managed in Appmarq. Note that "N/A" will be displayed if the filters Only critical rules and Only rules with violations are active. Refer: Health Dashboard - Appmarq Insight.


This column shows the % difference between the % Compliance column (i.e. the compliance ratio for the specific Technical Criteria or Rule for the current Application in the current snapshot) and the Industry column. In other words you can quickly see if your Application is performing better or worse than the average for all Applications currently managed in Appmarq:

  • A positive difference is highlighted in green - i.e. this shows that the current Application is performing better than the Appmarq average
  • A negative difference is highlighted in red - i.e. this shows that the current Application is performing worse than the Appmarq average

Refer: Health Dashboard - Appmarq Insight.


A Score/Grade is a measurement/number between 1.00 and 4.00 to assess a risk for a rule or Technical Criteria. The higher the number, the less "risky" the code, i.e. the better the code adheres to the rule or Technical Criteria.

In  v. ≥ 2.5.0-funcrel, the Score/Grade column is unavailable in ISO-555 View.

The Out-of-Date button is displayed when the Appmarq Insight feature has not been refreshed. The Appmarq Insight feature is refreshed every quarter and when it is not refreshed the Out-of-Date button is displayed.

Module Treemap section

Shows all the modules present in the selected application. 

In  v. ≥ 2.5.0-funcrel, the module treemap section is unavailable in ISO-555 View.

Snapshot Comparison section

Snapshot Comparison lets you compare two or more snapshots. 

  • Two or more snapshots are required to use this feature.
  • In  v. ≥ 2.5.0-funcrel, the module Snapshot Comparison is based on Compliance in ISO-555 View.

The Snapshot Comparison section provides an easy way to see "at a glance" the differences between two snapshots. The Snapshot Comparison feature will use the currently selected snapshot as the reference snapshot and out of the box the currently selected snapshot is always the most recent:


If you choose to look at a different snapshot for your application, then the Snapshot Comparison feature will use that snapshot by default:

To view the comparison, choose an older snapshot in the drop down list:

The comparison is then displayed:

The comparison displays health measure grade values for Technical Criteria and Rules that contribute to the current Health Measure with rule nameolder snapshotnewer snapshot and percentage difference of the selected snapshots. If the older snapshot's value is zero or both older and newer snapshot's values are zero, the difference will be shown as N/A. The difference is calculated as follows:

({ [grade of newer snapshot - grade of older snapshot]/older snapshot} * 100)

Size Indicator tiles

Size Indicator tiles helps you to view the size of the selected application (in Single Application) and total size of all the application (in Multiple Application).

Technical Size

The Technical Size tiles provide LOC (line of code) values for your application(s).

≤ 2.12.6

The value reported by this tile uses the legacy metric ID 10151 which is generated during an analysis:

≥ 2.12.7 (except 2.13.0)

The values reported by this tile use both the legacy metric ID 10151 generated during an analysis (the value on the left) and the modern metric ID 66071 generated during the onboarding process in fastscan mode (the value on the right):

  • metric ID 10151: this is a refined LOC value generated during an analysis and considers only lines with actual code and excludes comments and empty lines.
  • metric ID 66071: this LOC value is a quick estimate obtained during fastscan and includes all lines (code, comments, and empty lines) across all files, even those that may later be excluded or unsupported.

Note that LOC values will not be identical to Line of Code counts produced by third-party tools such as CLOC. This is because the dashboard reports an aggregation of LOC values for objects (i.e. classes etc.) that form the files themselves and therefore, file imports are not included in the LOC values.

Removing the metric ID 66071 (Initial Profiling LOC) values

If you would prefer not to see the metric ID 66071 (Initial Profiling LOC) values in the Technical Size tile, you can modify the relevant cmp.json, cmp_iso.json, app.json, and app_iso.json files to remove the configuration that governs this part of the tile. For example, remove the "additionalSizingMeasure" section in the example below:

	"id": 1,
	"plugin": "SizingMeasureResults",
	"color": "blue",
	"size": "large",
	"parameters": {
		"title": "Technical Size",
		"mode": "verbose",
		"sizingMeasure": {
			"id": "10151",
			"format": "0,000.0a",
			"description": "Deep Analysis LOC"
		"additionalSizingMeasure": {
			"id": "66071",
			"format": "0,000.0a",
			"description": "Initial Profiling LOC"

Functional & Enhancement

Information about the number of OMG-compliant function points in the application:

Drill down behaviour


Clicking the TECHNICAL SIZE tile helps to view lines of code of all the applications in graphical form.

Single application

Clicking the TECHNICAL SIZE tile helps to view the lines of codes of the selected application. Hovering the mouse on the snapshot (dot) lets you view the difference between two snapshots in graphical mode.

Technical Size and Technology Sizing sections

This section lists specific sizing information for the entire application and for each module in the application:

Snapshot Comparison section

See Snapshot Comparison section for more details about the feature. For Sizing Measure drill down, the comparison displays a list of sizing metrics that contribute to the current Sizing Measure showing the measure nameolder snapshotnewer snapshot and percentage difference of the selected snapshots. The difference is calculated as follows:

({ [sizing measure of newer snapshot - sizing measure of older snapshot]/older snapshot} * 100)

Note for Functional & Enhancement comparison data:

  • If the older snapshot's contributing metrics and newer snapshot's contributing metrics are different, the table displays a message "No value to display. No AFP or enhancement have been computed for these snapshots".
  • If the older snapshot's and newer snapshot's values are zero, the table displays a message "Different sizing metrics available for two different snapshots. Comparison is not applicable".

Critical Violations

A violation is deemed critical when the rule violated has been marked critical in the quality model used to analyze the application. These rules enables you to identify risks that can very likely impact application operations (Robustness, Efficiency, Security) and development activity (Changeability, Transferability).

Drill down behaviour


Clicking the CRITICAL VIOLATIONS tile helps to view number of Critical Violations of all the applications in graphical form.

Single application

Clicking the CRITICAL VIOLATIONS tile helps to view number of Critical Violations of the selected application in graphical form:

Application Mapping

Application Mapping is only for multi application level. This shows all the applications in the Dashboard. The size of each application square is determined by the line of code (LOC) count for each application. The colour indicates the grade for the Total Quality Index Health Measure for each Application.

The Application Mapping tile is displayed as follows:

Drill down behaviour


The Application Map is shown in more detail:

  • Rolling the mouse over an Application name displays a popup with more details.
  • Clicking the Application will drill down directly to the single application level for the given application
  • The colour indicates the grade for the Total Quality Index Health Measure for each Application. Reds indicate a low grade (1), greens indicate a high grade (4).

Single application

APPLICATION MAPPING tile is not applicable for single application.

Modules Mapping

Modules Mapping is only at single application level. This shows the modules in the current Application. The size of each module square is determined by the line of code (LOC) count for each module. The colour indicates the grade for the Total Quality Index Health Measure for each module.

The Modules Mapping tile is displayed as follows:

When you select the modules from module selector, Specific module will be highlighted with a border in module treemap section.


When you select the modules from module selector, Specific module will be highlighted with a border in module treemap section.

Drill down behaviour


MODULES MAPPING tile is not applicable for multiple application.

Single application

The Module Map is shown in more detail:

  • Rolling the mouse over a Module name displays a popup with more details.
  • You can change the mapping based on the drop down highlighted in the image below. By default, lines of code (LOC) is displayed
  • The colour indicates the grade for the selected Sizing Measure for each module. Reds indicate a low grade (1), greens indicate a high grade (4).

Technologies Overview

This tile is visible only in the single-application landing page. It lists the TQI grade and the number of critical violations for the different technologies that are present in the current application.

Drill down behaviour


Technologies Overview tile drill-down does not work for Multi-application.

Single application

Clicking on the Technologies Overview tile lists the TQI grade and the number of critical violations for the different technologies that are present in the current application.

Technical Debt

Technical Debt is calculated as the cost of fixing the structural quality problems in an application that, if left unfixed, put the business at serious risk. Like financial debt, Technical Debt incurs interest in the form of the extra effort it takes to maintain and enhance an application due to the structural quality flaws in the code.

Drill down behaviour


Clicking on the TECHNICAL DEBT tile lists the Technical Debt of all the applications.

Single application

Clicking on the TECHNICAL DEBT tile lists the Technical Debt of the selected application.

Technical Debt (OMG)

Technical Debt(OMG) is calculated as the amount of effort required to fix the structural quality problems in an application that, if left unfixed, put the business at serious risk. Like financial debt, Technical Debt incurs interest in the form of the extra effort it takes to maintain and enhance an application due to the structural quality flaws in the code:

Data provided in this tile is generated only when the OMG Technical Debt extension is installed prior to the generation of a new snapshot and shows either the ATDM (Automated Technical Debt Measure) or CTDM (Contextual Technical Debt Measure) depending on the version of the extension installed, in man/days for the current application or group of applications. ATDM/CTDM is an OMG standard that has been submitted by the CISQ Consortium. This extension implements the OMG Technical Debt Measure to estimate future corrective maintenance costs, i.e. the technical debt of the application in number of minutes, as described in the OMG ATDM specification 1.0, see:

The following compatibility is in place:

  • Health Dashboard ≥ 2.3 supports only CTDM (Contextual Technical Debt Measure - i.e. version ≥ 2.x of the OMG Technical Debt extension), i.e., OMG Technical Debt will be measured using CTDM which is a union of AIP and ISO-5055 index measures.
  • Health Dashboard ≤ 2.2 supports only ATDM (Automated Technical Debt Measure - i.e. version 1.x of the OMG Technical Debt extension), i.e., OMG Technical Debt will be measured using ATDM based on CISQ indexes

To swap between Technical Debt (OMG) values in AIP and ISO-5055, use the Assessment Model switch in the home page:

Drill down behaviour


Clicking on the TECHNICAL DEBT (OMG) tile lists the Technical Debt (OMG) of all the applications.

Single application

Clicking on the TECHNICAL DEBT (OMG) tile lists the Technical Debt of all the selected application.

Top Priority

This tile requires that the following extensions are installed BEFORE a snapshot is generated:

From 2.7.0 onwards, Top Priority tile is not provided out of the box it has to be manually configured. To manually configure Top Priority tile refer: Health Dashboard tile management#QualityStandards(TopPriority) 

This tile is available at multi-application and single Application level and displays the total number of violations for rules that have the tag AIP-TOP-PRIORITY. Typically, rules with this tag are provided in the extensions System Level Rules, but other rules may also have this tag. In general these rules are considered to be even more critical than rules tagged as "critical" and therefore these violations should be fixed as soon as possible.

Drill down behaviour


Single application

Clicking the TOP PRIORITY tile will drill down to an interface listing all the rules that are flagged with the tag AIP-TOP-PRIORITY. Use the microscope icon to access the Engineering Dashboard where you can further investigate the rule and add it to the Action Plan for remediation:

Click to enlarge

Top 5 Riskiest Applications

The measure of the risk by each application is based on the number of violations of Critical Rules. These rules have been deemed critical because of the likelihood of a severe impacts (potential performance bottlenecks and potential future scalability issues linked to coding practices, …) would they be violated.


Clicking on the TOP 5 RISKIEST APPLICATIONS will drill-down to an interface listing all the applications with number of Critical Violations, Efficiency and Last analysis date.


TOP 5 RISKIEST APPLICATIONS tile is not applicable for single application.

Top Critical Rules

A violation is deemed critical when the rule violated has been marked critical in the quality model used to analyze the application. These rules enables you to identify risks that can very likely impact application operations (Robustness, Efficiency, Security) and development activity (Changeability, Transferability).

Drill down behaviour


Clicking on the TOP CRITICAL RULES tile will drill-down to an interface listing the top 5 critical rules.

Single application

TOP CRITICAL RULES tile is not applicable for single application.

Top Riskiest Modules

TOP RISKIEST MODULES tile lists the top riskiest modules of the selected application.


TOP RISKIEST MODULES tile is not applicable for Multi-application.

Single application

Clicking on TOP RISKIEST MODULES tile will drill-down to an interface displaying grade details in graphical form.