Viewing properties

You can view a wide range of HTML based properties about objects, links, models (saved Graphical Views),  domains and libraries. The properties are displayed in the Property window.

To view the properties of an item:

  1. Right click the item (whether an object in the Technical Browser or a Library in the Library window).
  2. Select Properties from the shortcut menu.
  3. Or use the the F12 shortcut key

The properties for the item will then be displayed in the Property window:


  • You can configure how the object's properties are displayed in the Properties Window by selecting a new style sheet and various other options. Please consult the Property and Code Viewer tab for more information about this.
  • You can force the application to display properties every time you select an object - see the Property and Code Viewer tab for more information.
See Also

Property and Code Viewer tab | Property window

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