Summary: This section of documentation provides an explanation of how to run analyses, generate snapshots and run other CAST Management Studio tasks in an automated and repeatable way.


Before you can starting using the CAST Management Studio CLI, you must ensure that you meet the following requirements:

(tick) An installation of CAST AIP is required - either a Full Installation or a All Application Intelligence Platform Applications installation which must be located on the machine you wish to run the CLI from.

How does it work?

The CAST Management Studio CLI includes multiple command arguments to perform various different actions including:

  • Accept Delivery
  • Reject Delivery
  • Automate Delivery
  • Delete a Version
  • Set as current Version
  • Run an analysis
  • Generate a snapshot including upload snapshot to Measurement Service schema
  • Delete a snapshot
  • Delete snapshots in a list
  • Delete snapshots within a range
  • Import / Export .pmx files
  • Prepare a Snapshot (prepare Analysis Service for snapshot generation (only required when using the CAST Architecture Checker/CAST Transaction Configuration Center and you have used the RunAnalysis option))
  • Generate Hsq Report
  • Configure platform preferences (set the license key, Delivery and Deployment folders)
  • Clean up Analysis Units
  • Remove unassociated Assessment Models
  • Manage / Stop Managing an Application (import an Application from the Delivery folder that has been created by the Application owner (in the CAST AIC Portal) and populated with a Version (including source code packages) or stop managing an Application)
  • Run an upgrade for an Assessment Model
  • Activate a Measurement Service schema for the current Management Service schema
  • Upload snapshots to Measurement Service schema
  • Import an Assessment Model
  • Purge a Version

To execute an action via the command line, you must specify the CAST-MS-CLI.exe executable (rather than the CAST-MS.exe executable which is used for the GUI). Command arguments are expressed as verbs and then various mandatory and optional (enclosed in square brackets) options. Each command argument verb and various examples is listed and explained below.

Miscellaneous information

  • Boolean format: [true|false]

  • String format: enclose with double quotes if containing blank spaces

  • Date format: [yyyyMMdd|yyyyMMddHHmm]
  • The examples listed below should be placed on one line if they are being used in a batch file.
  • Use the -help command to list all possible parameters for an argument, for example:
CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateSnapshot -help

Output codes

The CLI will return two output codes:

  • 0 = No error
  • 2 = Error exists

Command arguments


Use this option to automate the acceptance of a Version.


Accepts delivery of a version named " delta 2":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe AcceptDelivery -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -version " delta 2" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application of the Version you want to accept.
version<string> Specifies the name of the Version you want to accept.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to activate a given Measurement Service (MEASURE schema) for the Management Service (MNGT schema) defined in the connection profile. When the Measurement Service is active, it is the target for any snapshot data that is generated in any Application associated with the parent Management Service (MNGT database), when you chose to upload snapshot data to the Measurement Service.

  • If you installed all four CAST AIP schemas using a Combined Install option in CAST Server Manager, then the Measurement Service will automatically be active for the Management Service installed at the same time and there is no need to use this option.
  • If you have installed the Measurement Service after you installed the three CAST AIP schemas (Management/Analysis/Dashboard Services) you will have installed a standalone Measurement Service in CAST Server Manager (for use with the Health Dashboard). In this case the Measurement Service is NOT automatically active for the current Management Service (MNGT database) and you will need to make it active by using this option (or the equivalent GUI option).


Activation of a Measurement Service "XXX_MEASURE" associated with the Application "TEST".

CAST-MS-cli.exe activateManagementService -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -measureService "XXX_MEASURE" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the Application.
measureService<string> Specifies the name of the Measurement Service schema you want to activate.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the creation of a new Version based on an existing Version, package the same source code packages, deliver it and accept the Version.


Creation of a version named " delta 2" from another version named " delta 1":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe AutomateDelivery -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -version " delta 2" -fromVersion " delta 1" -discoverers "HTML5 project;XML scanner" -date 20130701 -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application of the Version you want to copy.
version<string> Specifies the name of the new Version you want to create.
[fromVersion<string>] Specifies the name of the existing Version you want to copy. Note that this is optional: if you omit it, then the last Version (i.e. the most recent) will always be used.
[discoverers <string>]

This optional setting is available in CAST AIP = 8.3.5. Specifies the discoverers you would like to enable in the existing packages that will be copied into the new Version. You can select:

Discoverer Description
HTML5 project

This discoverer is provided in the Web Files Discoverer, which is shipped and installed by default with CAST AIP as part of the upgrade and with new AIP schemas. When enabled, Web File Discoverer (i.e. HTML5 projects) projects will be identified and corresponding Analysis Units will be generated. All files "captured" in these "HTML5 project" Analysis Units will be analyzed (predominately HTML and JavaScript files).

XML scanner This discoverer is provided in the DMT Framework Scanner, which is shipped and installed by default with CAST AIP as part of the upgrade and with new AIP schemas. When enabled, the information generated by the DMT Framework Scanner extension can be seen in the CAST Delivery Manager Delivery Report for existing packages that have been upgraded.

Both discoverers can be enabled (separate them with a semi-colon - ;), just one, or none at all. For example:

-discoverers "HTML5 project;XML scanner"
-discoverers "HTML5 project"
-discoverers "XML scanner"

Note that:

  • This option is only of use if the Web Files Discoverer and DMT Framework Scanner options were not ticked in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool in the existing package. This may be the case if the Application and Version/Packages have been upgraded from a previous release of CAST AIP where these discoverers were not installed.
  • After enabling the option, when consulting the CAST Delivery Manager Tool, the two corresponding options will be ticked:

[copySources[<boolean>]] Use this option ONLY when copying the "Migrated Version" version that is produced following an upgrade. Do not use at any other time.
[date<date>] Specifies the new Date for the new Version. If omitted, the current date is used.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the corresponding Clean up Analysis Units GUI option.


Clean up inactive Analysis Units from managed Application "STQ AI":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe CleanUpInactiveAnalysisUnits -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Analysis Units you want to clean up.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the corresponding Upload snapshots to Measurement Service GUI option. You can upload all snapshots belonging to an Application or one specific snapshot.


Upload snapshots generated for the Application "STQ AI" to the associated Measurement Service schema (snapshots will be uploaded to the Measurement Service schema associated to the Management Service schema specified in the connection profile):

CAST-MS-cli.exe consolidate -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Upload the snapshot "Snapshot V1 09032018" generated for the Application "STQ AI" to the associated Measurement Service schema (snapshot will be uploaded to the Measurement Service schema associated to the Management Service schema specified in the connection profile):

CAST-MS-cli.exe consolidate -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -snapshot "Snapshot V1 09032018" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application whose generated snapshots you want to upload to the Measurement Service schema associated to the Management Service schema specified in the connection profile.
[snapshot <string>] Specifies the specific snapshot (by name) that you want to upload. If omitted, all snapshots will be uploaded to the Measurement Service schema associated to the Management Service schema specified in the connection profile.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the initialization of the license keyDelivery and Deployment folders. This replaces the use of the CAST Management Studio Startup Wizard and is designed for bulk initialization requirements for those with large deployments of CAST AIP.

Note that it is not possible to use the CLI interface to update sourceDeliveryFolder and sourceDeploymentFolder paths once they have been set either via the Startup wizard or via the CLI already. If you attempt to do so, the CLI will display an error. Please use the CAST Management Studio GUI interface to make this change if it is required (menu option: Window > Preferences > Platform Settings). You can update all other options, even if they have already been set.


CAST-MS-CLI.exe ConfigurePlatformPreferences -connectionProfile "v830_mngt on CastStorageService _ NEFYN:2280"
-licenseKey "xxxxx" -sourceDeliveryFolder "D:\CAST\Delivery" -sourceDeploymentFolder "D:\CAST\Deploy" -storageWorkingPath "D:\CAST\Storage" -temporaryWorkingPath "D:\CAST\Storage" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
licenseKey<string> Enter the license key provided to you by CAST.
[sourceDeliveryFolder<string>] Enter the location for the Source Code Delivery Folder and Source Code Deployment Folder.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information about the path syntax that can be used.


Enter the location for the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area). A LISA sub folder will be created in the chosen location.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryWorkingPath<string>] Enter the location for the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area). A LTSA sub folder will be created in the chosen location.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Enter the location for the Logs folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes. By default all log files generated by the CAST Management Studio will be date stamped.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the deletion of a Version. When a version is deleted:

  • All references to the Version are permanently deleted - this includes extracted source code, logs and configuration files in the Delivery folder
  • Deployed source code remains in the Deployment folder.
  • This option cannot be reversed.
  • This option is the equivalent of the following GUI option:

If the Version to be deleted has been used as the basis for a later Version (i.e. the Version has been copied) then it is not possible to delete it. The message "The version cannot be deleted as it is used as a previous version in: xxx" will be displayed.


Deletes the version named " delta 2":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteVersion -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -version " delta 2" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application of the Version you want to delete.
version<string> Specifies the name of the Version you want to delete.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is used to delete a comma separated list of existing snapshots.


Note that:

  • using this option will delete the selected snapshots from the Dashboard Service and the Measurement Service (if the snapshots exist in the Measurement Service).
  • any reconsolidated snapshots (i.e. those snapshots remaining at the end of the delete procedure) will be reuploaded to the Measurement Service if it has been configured.
  • if you remove an older snapshot (i.e. not the most recent) then the next snapshot will be updated:

    • delta and AEP/EFP metrics are recalculated, and the post process procedures that update schema tables required for dashboards are relaunched.
    • new data is also pushed to the associated Measurement Service schema (if one is associated to the Management Service schema for the Application).


Deletion of the two snapshots generated on 3rd July 2016 at 1300 and 1400 for the Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-cli.exe DeleteSnapshotsInList -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -snapshots 201607031300,201607031400

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Snapshot(s) you want to delete.
dashboardService<string> Specifies the parent Dashboard Service for the Snapshot(s) you want to delete.

Specifies a comma separated list of snapshots to be deleted, based on their capture date. Note that seconds are not permitted in the capture date.

[databaseServer<string>] Specifies the database server on which the snapshot is located - may be required if it is not possible to distinguish two snapshots because all their attributes are identical, including the name of their Dashboard Service.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is used to delete a range of existing snapshots.

Note that:

  • using this option will delete the selected snapshots from the Dashboard Service and the Measurement Service (if the snapshots exist in the Measurement Service).
  • any reconsolidated snapshots (i.e. those snapshots remaining at the end of the delete procedure) will be reuploaded to the Measurement Service if is has been configured.
  • if you remove an older snapshot (i.e. not the most recent) then the next snapshot will be updated:
    • delta and AEP/EFP metrics are recalculated, and the post process procedures that update schema tables required for dashboards are relaunched.
    • new data is also pushed to the associated Measurement Service schema (if one is associated to the Management Service schema for the Application).


Deletion of all of the Snapshots created between 1st July 2016 (inclusive) and 3rd July 2016 (inclusive) for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteSnapshotsWithinRange -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -beginDate 20160701 -endDate 20160703

Deletion of all of the Snapshots created from 1st July 2016 (inclusive) for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteSnapshotsWithinRange -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -beginDate 20160701

Deletion of all of the Snapshots created up to 3rd July 2016 (inclusive) for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteSnapshotsWithinRange -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -endDate 20160703

Deletion of all of the Snapshots created between 1st July 2016 (inclusive) and 3rd July 2016 (inclusive) for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service and also delete the last ever snapshot generated:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteSnapshotsWithinRange -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -beginDate 20160701 -endDate 20160703 -preserveLast false

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service. -
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Snapshot you want to delete. -
dashboardService<string> Specifies the parent Dashboard Service for the Snapshot you want to delete. -

Specifies the start date of the Snapshots to be deleted. Any snapshots created on this date will be included in the range to be deleted.

The beginDate and endDate parameters are optional, however, at least one of the two MUST be present:

  • If you omit the beginDate parameter, then all the snapshots up to the specified endDate (including all those created on the specified endDate) will be deleted
  • If you omit the endDate parameter, then all the snapshots from the specified beginDate (including all those created on the specified beginDate) will be deleted
[endDate<YYYYMMDD>] Specifies the end date of the Snapshots to be deleted. Any snapshots created on this date will be included in the range to be deleted.

To aid reconsolidation, the very first snapshot that has ever been generated is NEVER deleted in any circumstance even if it is part of the specified date range. This option specifies (when set to false) that the very first Snapshot ever generated should be deleted. By default and when the option is not specified, it is set to True (i.e. the very first snapshot is never deleted).

[preserveLast<boolean>] To aid reconsolidation, the very last snapshot that has ever been generated is NEVER deleted in any circumstance even if it is part of the specified date range. This option specifies (false) that the very last Snapshot ever generated should be deleted. By default and when the option is not specified, it is set to True (i.e. the very last snapshot is never deleted). -
[databaseServer<string>] Specifies the database server on which the snapshot is located - may be required if it is not possible to distinguish two snapshots because all their attributes are identical, including the name of their Dashboard Service. -
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt -


Export settings to a .PMX file.


CAST-MS-CLI.exe Export -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -filePath D:\CAST-MS\export\CAST_MNGT.pmx -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

filePath<string> Specifies the name of the PMX file to export to.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt
[connectionProfile<string>] Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.


Export metrics parameters to XML for an Assessment Model associated to an application.


CAST-MS-CLI.exe ExportMetricsParameters -connectionString LIBPQ:localhost:2284  -connectionSchema APP1_MNGT -connectionUser operator -connectionPassword CastAIP -xmlPath D:\CAST-MS\export\App1-Metrics-Parameters.xml -logFilePath "C:\CAST\Log\my_log.txt"

Available options

-connectionString LIBPQ:<my-css-host>:<my-css-port> Host name and port number for the target CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance.
-connectionSchema <my-app>_MNGT Name of the Management schema associated to the application from which you want to export.
-connectionUser <operator> User name for the target CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance.
-connectionPassword <CastAIP> Password for the user specified with -connectionUser.
xmlPath <string> Specifies the name and path of the XML file to export to.
[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to run an HSQ report (the equivalent of the GUI based Generate report option).


Generation of HSQ report for the 1st of July 2013 Snapshot for Application "TEST "in "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateHsqReport -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -captureDate 20130701 -appli "TEST" -dashboardService CAST_DASH -hsqFile "C:\template.hsq" -htmlFile "C:\out.html" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
captureDate<yyyyMMdd>[,<yyyyMMddHHmm>] Specifies the Snapshot Capture Date to identify the snapshot you want to generate a report for. Note that seconds are not permitted in the capture date.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Snapshot you want to generate a report for.
dashboardService<string> Specifies the parent Dashboard Service for the Snapshot you want to generate a report for.
hsqFile<string> Specifies the HSQ template you want to use for the report. A selection can be found in the "hsq" folder at the root of your CAST installation.
htmlFile<string> Specifies the output HTML file that will contain the report.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Please note that CAST supports concurrent snapshot generation on the same workstation (whether through GUI/CLI) with the following conditions:

Click here to expand...
  • only one active execution for a given application/triplet should be run at any one time
  • you should ensure that you configure application/triplet specific values for the following CAST locations:
    • TEMP (User's temporary path)
    • LTSA
    • LISA
    • LOG

This can be achieved by:

  • defining an application/triplet specific Windows environment variable (for example %APPLICATION%)
  • using this Windows variable in the CastGlobalSettings.ini file (ensuring you uncomment the variable in the CastGlobalSettings.ini file)
  • changing the Windows variable path each time you generate a snapshot for a specific application/triplet

For example, set the following in the CastGlobalSettings.ini file:

; Set current user's temporary path

; Set root path of all CAST logs
; Set the default LISA location
; Set the default LTSA location

This option is used to generate a new snapshot from the command line.


Generation of a Snapshot for Application "TEST" in "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -snapshot "Computed on 201307081426" -captureDate 20130701
-version " delta 2" -appli "TEST"-dashboardService CAST_DASH-logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Generation of a Snapshot for Application "TEST" in "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service on DB_SERVER database:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -snapshot "Computed on 201307081426" -captureDate 20130701
-version " delta 2" -appli "TEST" -dashboardService CAST_DASH -databaseServer DB_SERVER -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Generation of a Snapshot for all Applications visible in the Applications view:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT-snapshot "Computed on 201307081426" -captureDate 20130701
-version " delta 2" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Generation of a Snapshot for all Applications associated to the "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -snapshot "Computed on 201307081426" -captureDate 20130701
-version " delta 2" -dashboardService CAST_DASH -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Generation of a Snapshot for all Applications associated to the "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service and consolidation of all snapshots in the Measurement Service for the Health Dashboard:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe GenerateSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT-snapshot "Computed on 201307081426" -captureDate 20130701
-version " delta 2" -dashboardService CAST_DASH -consolidateMeasures -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
snapshot<string> Specifies the Name of the Snapshot to generate. It must be unique for a given Application in a given Dashboard Service.
[captureDate<yyyyMMdd>[,<yyyyMMddHHmm>]] Specifies the Snapshot Capture Date. When triggering Snapshots for each Application, the same Capture Date is used. It must be unique for a given Application in a given Dashboard Service. Note that seconds are not permitted in the capture date.
[version<string>] Defines a source code version name for your snapshot and is displayed only in the CAST Engineering Dashboard. The snapshot will always be triggered on the current version defined in the CAST Management Studio. When triggering Snapshots for each Application in one go, the same source code version name is used for all snapshots. The default is set to: N\A
[appli<string>] Specifies the Application to generate a Snapshot for. Must be omitted when triggering Snapshots for a given Dashboard Service (see -dashboardService below).
[dashboardService<string>] Specifies the Dashboard Service in which to generate the Snapshot. This will generate a Snapshot for all Applications associated to the chosen Dashboard Service. Not required if you are using the -appli option.
[ignoreEmptyModule[<boolean>]] If you set this option to true, empty modules will not cause the snapshot generation to halt. The default is set to: FALSE.
[skipAnalysisJob[<boolean>]] This option enables you to force the CAST Management Studio NOT to run the analysis of the source code (e.g. if you have already run it). This can save time during the process. The default is set to: FALSE.

If you set this option, the snapshot results will be consolidated in the Measurement Service schema. If you include this option, please ensure that a Measurement Service schema is installed and activated for this Management Service. The default is set to: TRUE.

Note that you may need to reload the Health Dashboard so that your new results are displayed correctly. Please consult Reload the cache for more information.
[databaseServer<string>] Specifies the database server on which the snapshot is located - may be required if it is not possible to distinguish two snapshots because all their attributes are identical, including the name of their Dashboard Service.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is used to import settings from an exported .PMX file.


Import an exported .PMX file and replace all existing items with identically named items in the .PMX:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe Import -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -filePath D:\CAST-MS\export\CAST_MNGT.pmx -action replace -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

filePath<string> Specifies the name of the PMX file to import.

Three options are available:

  • create : Creates target objects from the source objects.
  • merge : Additionally changes the target objects from the source objects.
  • replace : Replaces the target objects with the source objects.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25) Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt
[connectionProfile<string>] Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service schema..


Imports an Assessement Model in .PMX format into the CAST Management Studio. All Dashboard Service schemas visible in the Services view will be assigned the imported Assessment Model.


Import D:\CAST\AssessmentModel.pmx using Connection Profile "CAST_MNGT":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe ImportAssessmentModel -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -file D:\CAST\AssessmentModel.pmx -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile <string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service to which you want to import the Application.

Specifies the full path to the Assessment Model file. Note that the file can use any name. On import:

  • All Dashboard Service schemas visible in the Services view will be assigned the imported Assessment Model.
  • The imported Assessment Model will take the name of the Assessment Model PMX file in the Assessment Models view. For example importing AssessmentModel.pmx will result in an Assessment Model called "AssessmentModel".

This optional parameter enables you to specify an Application when the Management Service schema associated with the chosen connection profile contains multiple Applications:

  • If there is only one Application in the Management Service schema this parameter is optional, and should match with the existing target Application if it is provided
  • If there are multiple Applications, this parameter is mandatory and should match with an existing Application in the Management Service schema in order to synchronise the imported assessment model with the associated Dashboard Service schemas

Note that this option is only available in CAST AIP = 8.3.12.


Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Mail server port (default is 25) Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath <string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Import a metrics parameters XML file generated by the ExportMetricsParameters command.


CAST-MS-CLI.exe ImportMetricsParameters -connectionString LIBPQ:localhost:2284  -connectionSchema APP2_MNGT -connectionUser operator -connectionPassword CastAIP -xmlPath D:\CAST-MS\export\App1-Metrics-Parameters.xml -logFilePath "C:\CAST\Log\my_log.txt"

Available options

-connectionString LIBPQ:<my-css-host>:<my-css-port> Host name and port number for the target CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance.
-connectionSchema <my-app>_MNGT Name of the Management schema associated to the application to which you want to import.
-connectionUser <operator> User name for the target CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance.
-connectionPassword <CastAIP> Password for the user specified with -connectionUser.
xmlPath <string> Specifies the name and path of the XML file to import from.
[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Start managing an Application in the CAST Management Studio via the Applications view that is present in the Delivery folder after having been created by the Application owner (in the CAST AIC Portal) and populated with a Version (including source code packages)). This option is available in the GUI as "Manage an Application".


Manage Application "TEST" using Connection Profile "CAST_MNGT":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe ManageAICPApplication -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile <string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service to which you want to import the Application.
appli <string> Specifies the Application you want to start managing.

Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Mail server port (default is 25) Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath <string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Prepare Analysis Service for snapshot generation (only required when using the CAST Architecture Checker/CAST Transaction Configuration Center and you have used the RunAnalysis option ONLY). This option is not available in the GUI.


Preparation of a Snapshot for Application "TEST":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe PrepareSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Snapshot you want to prepare.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is used to perform an upgrade of an Assessment Model to the next release of CAST AIP.

Note that this command should ONLY be used in the scope of an upgrade "with extensions".


Upgrade ALL Assessment Models with "progressive" option, attached to an Application/Dashboard Service schema in ALL CAST Management Services schemas declared in the connection profile

CAST-MS-CLI.exe PreserveExistingAssessmentModel -migrateAssessment progressive -connectionProfile test_mngt -logFilePath D:\CUT-CLI.log

Upgrade ALL Assessment Models with "conservative" option, attached to an Application/Dashboard Service schema in ALL CAST Management Services schemas declared in the connection profile

CAST-MS-CLI.exe PreserveExistingAssessmentModel -migrateAssessment conservative -connectionProfile test_mngt -logFilePath D:\CUT-CLI.log

Upgrade ALL Assessment Models with "use new" option, attached to an Application/Dashboard Service schema in ALL CAST Management Services schemas declared in the connection profile

CAST-MS-CLI.exe PreserveExistingAssessmentModel -migrateAssessment true -connectionProfile test_mngt -logFilePath D:\CUT-CLI.log

Available options

connectionProfile <string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.

migrateAssessment <option>

Enables you to choose the upgrade option:

CLI option Description Equivalent GUI Option

These two options will preserve the current Assessment Model assigned to your CAST Dashboard Service schemas and merge in any new rules delivered with the new CAST AIP Assessment Model - depending on your option choice, these new rules will either be activated (provides the benefits of the new release with all options actived) or disabled (therefore making post upgrade results more stable and in-line with the previous release of CAST AIP but not benefiting from updates in the new release).

If you have chosen either of these options, the following Assessment Model values will be retained:

  • the status of active/inactive Quality Rules
  • thresholds
  • weights
  • critical contributions
  • parameter values
  • custom indicators
  • custom Quality Rules

However, the Assessment Model will still be subject to an upgrade process to modify some values to make them compatible with CAST AIP 8.2.x, for example:

  • SQL and property implements
  • applicable technologies
  • associate values
  • documentation
Preserve Assessment Model customizations, activate new rules from AIP <release>
conservative  Preserve Assessment Model customizations, leave new rules disabled 

If you have chosen this option, the new Assessment Model from the new release of CAST AIP will be assigned to the CAST Dashboard Service schemas selected for update, therefore replacing any existing Assessment Models.

Use default Assessment Model from CAST AIP <release>
[sourceServerRootPath <string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath <string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath <string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath <string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath <string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host <string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port <integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from <string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath <string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the removal of extracted source code from a Version. This means that:

  • only the extracted source code (i.e. the sources.CastSourcePackage file) will be deleted from the Delivery folder
  • Version configuration files in the Delivery folder will remain
  • The Version will move to the "Delivery without source code" section of the CAST Management Studio GUI when the option is run
  • Deployed source code remains in the Deployment folder.
  • This option cannot be reversed.
  • This option is the equivalent of the following GUI option:


Purges a version named " delta 2" that belongs to the Application "TEST":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe PurgeVersion -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -version " delta 2" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application of the Version you want to purge.
version<string> Specifies the name of the Version you want to purge.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to automate the rejection of a Version (Delivery). The Version will then move back into the Waiting for delivery status - in other words, the Version is re-opened and source code can be re-packaged or re-organised by the Delivery Manager(s) according to the requirements of the CAST Administrator.


Rejects delivery of a version named " delta 2":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe RejectDelivery -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -version " delta 2" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application of the Version you want to reject.
version<string> Specifies the name of the Version you want to reject.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is used to remove all Assessment Models from the Management Service database (i.e. those visible in the CAST Management Studio Assessment Models view) that are not currently associated with any Dashboard Service databases (i.e. they are not actively being used for snapshot generation purposes).

  • Use with caution and ensure you have a backup of any Assessment Model you wish to retain (by exporting it to .PMX before you run the command).
  • This may take some time to complete especially if you have multiple unassociated Assessment Models.


Remove all unassociated Assessment Models from the Management Service database defined in the profile "CAST_MNGT" and log to C:\CAST\Log:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe RemoveUnassociatedAssessmentModels -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is used to invoke a code analysis, without generating a snapshot. It is equivalent to the Run analysis only option available in the GUI - it runs all Analysis Units in an Application (if the Analyze Analysis Unit option is selected).


Runs an analysis for the Application "TEST":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe RunAnalysis -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Runs an analysis for all Applications;

CAST-MS-CLI.exe RunAnalysis -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
[appli<string>] Specifies the Application to generate a Snapshot for. Must be omitted when triggering Snapshots for a given Dashboard Service (see -dashboardService below).
[noSave[<boolean>]] Allows you to specify whether the analysis results will be saved to the Analysis Service or not - this is useful if you are simply testing the analysis runs without error. The default is set to: FALSE.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


Use this option to set a version as "current".


Sets as current version a version named " delta 2":

CAST-MS-CLI.exe SetAsCurrentVersion -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -version " delta 2" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the Application to which the target Version belongs.
version<string> Specifies the name of Version you want to set as "current".
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is primarily used to determine the names of the available Connection Profiles, Log File Path etc.


CAST-MS-CLI.exe ShowConfig


This will remove the Application from the CAST Management Studio and the Management Base schema defined in the connection profile. The Application is then free to be managed in another Management Base Schema.


Stop the management of the Application "TEST" using Connection Profile "CAST_MNGT".

CAST-MS-CLI.exe StopManagingAICPApplication -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Stop the management of the Application "TEST" using Connection Profile "CAST_MNGT" and cleaning up the Analysis/Dashboard/Measurement Service schemas:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe StopManagingAICPApplication -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -deleteCentralData=true -deleteAnalyticsData=true -deleteLocalData=true -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile <string>


Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service from which you want to removed the Application.

appli <string>


Specifies the Application you want to remove.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove all snapshots associated to the specified Application from the Dashboard Service schema when you stop managing the Application. All relevant snapshot data will no longer be visible in the CAST Application Engineering / CAST Engineering dashboards.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you would like to stop managing the Application but need to view the historic snapshot data in the CAST dashboards or you need to restore the Application at a later date.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

Set this option to true if you have an active Measurement Service schema and have chosen to upload snapshot data to the Measurement Service schema when you generate a Snapshot and you want to completely remove all snapshots associated to the specified Application from the Measurement Service schema when you stop managing the Application. All relevant snapshot data will no longer be visible in the Health Dashboard.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you have an active Measurement Service schema and have chosen to upload snapshot data to the Measurement Service schema when you generate a Snapshot and you would like to stop managing the Application but need to view the historic snapshot data in the Health Dashboard or you need to restore the Application at a later date.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove all analysis results data associated to the specified Application from the Analysis Service schema when you stop managing the Application. All relevant analysis results data will no longer be visible in the CAST Discovery Portal.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you would like to remove the Application but need to view the analysis results data in the CAST Discovery Portal or you need to restore the Application at a later date.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

This option will clean up any references to the specified Application when you stop managing the Application. These references correspond to items in the Delivery Folder (see Preferences - Platform Settings).

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove any references to the specified Application from the Delivery folder when you stop managing the Application.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you want to retain the references to the Application in the Delivery Folder for whatever reason.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

This option will remove any deployed source code associated to the specified Application when you stop managing the Application. This source code corresponds to the current Version in the Application and have been deployed to the CAST Source Code Deployment Folder (see Preferences - Platform Settings). If you remove the deployed source code you will no longer be able to analyze that Version of the source code.

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove all deployed source code associated to the current Application from the Deployment Folder when you stop managing the Application.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you want to retain the deployed source code for whatever reason.


Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Mail server port (default is 25) Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath <string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt

Deprecated command arguments


This option is now deprecated and may be removed from the CLI at some point in the future. You should use the DeleteSnapshotsWithinRange option instead.

This option is used to delete a range of existing snapshots.

Note that using this option will delete the selected snapshots from the Dashboard Service and the Measurement Service (if the snapshot exists in the Measurement Service).


Deletion of all of the Snapshots except the oldest, up to the 1st of July 2015 for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteOldSnapshots -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -thresholdDate 20150701 -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL

Deletion of all of the Snapshots except the oldest, up to the 1st of July 2015 for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service hosted in the DB_SERVER RDBMS:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteOldSnapshots -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -thresholdDate 20150701 -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -databaseServer DB_SERVER

Deletion of all of the Snapshots up to the 1st of July 2015 for Application "STQ AI" in "800_CENTRAL" Dashboard Service hosted in the DB_SERVER RDBMS:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteOldSnapshots -connectionProfile 800_MNGT -thresholdDate 20150701 -appli "STQ AI" -dashboardService 800_CENTRAL -databaseServer DB_SERVER -preserveInitialSnapshot false

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Snapshot you want to delete.
dashboardService<string> Specifies the parent Dashboard Service for the Snapshot you want to delete.
thresholdDate<yyyyMMdd>[,<yyyyMMddHHmm>] Specifies the ending Capture Date of the Snapshots to be deleted. Note that seconds are not permitted in the capture date.
[databaseServer<string>] Specifies the database server on which the snapshot is located - may be required if it is not possible to distinguish two snapshots because all their attributes are identical, including the name of their Dashboard Service.
[preserveInitialSnapshot<boolean>] Specifies whether the oldest Snapshot should be retained or not. By default, if this option is not present, the option is set to TRUE.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This option is now deprecated and may be removed from the CLI at some point in the future. You should use the DeleteSnapshotsInList option instead.

This option is used to delete an existing snapshot.

Note that:
  • using this option will NOT delete the selected snapshots from the Measurement Service (if the snapshot exists in the Measurement Service).


Deletion of the 1st of July 2013 04:00:00 AM Snapshot for Application "TEST" in "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -captureDate 201307010400 -appli "TEST" -dashboardService CAST_DASH -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Deletion of the 1st of July 2013 04:00:00 AM Snapshot for Application "TEST" in "CAST_DASH" Dashboard Service on DB_SERVER database:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe DeleteSnapshot -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -captureDate 201307010400 -appli "TEST" -dashboardService CAST_DASH -databaseServer DB_SERVER -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile<string> Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service.
captureDate<yyyyMMdd>[,<yyyyMMddHHmm>] Specifies the Snapshot Capture Date to identify the snapshot to delete. Note that seconds are not permitted in the capture date.
appli<string> Specifies the parent Application for the Snapshot you want to delete.
dashboardService<string> Specifies the parent Dashboard Service for the Snapshot you want to delete.
[databaseServer<string>] Specifies the database server on which the snapshot is located - may be required if it is not possible to distinguish two snapshots because all their attributes are identical, including the name of their Dashboard Service.
[sourceServerRootPath<string>] Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[codeResourceBasePath<string>] Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the applications' source code for analysis in uncompressed format.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[logRootPath<string>] Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[workingPath<string>] Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[temporaryPath<string>] Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.

[host<string>] Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[port<integer>] Mail server port (default is 25)Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[from<string>] Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath<string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt


This will remove the Application from the CAST Management Studio and the Management Base schema defined in the connection profile. The Application is then free to be managed in another Management Base Schema.


Stop the management of the Application "TEST" using Connection Profile "CAST_MNGT".

CAST-MS-CLI.exe StopManagingAICPApplication -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Stop the management of the Application "TEST" using Connection Profile "CAST_MNGT" and cleaning up the Analysis/Dashboard/Measurement Service schemas:

CAST-MS-CLI.exe StopManagingAICPApplication -connectionProfile CAST_MNGT -appli "TEST" -deleteCentralData=true -deleteAnalyticsData=true -deleteLocalData=true -logRootPath "C:\CAST\Log"

Available options

connectionProfile <string>


Specifies the name of connection profile to use to connect to the CAST Management Service from which you want to removed the Application.

appli <string>


Specifies the Application you want to remove.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove all snapshots associated to the specified Application from the Dashboard Service schema when you stop managing the Application. All relevant snapshot data will no longer be visible in the CAST Application Engineering / CAST Engineering dashboards.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you would like to stop managing the Application but need to view the historic snapshot data in the CAST dashboards or you need to restore the Application at a later date.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

Set this option to true if you have an active Measurement Service schema and have chosen to upload snapshot data to the Measurement Service schema when you generate a Snapshot and you want to completely remove all snapshots associated to the specified Application from the Measurement Service schema when you stop managing the Application. All relevant snapshot data will no longer be visible in the Health Dashboard.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you have an active Measurement Service schema and have chosen to upload snapshot data to the Measurement Service schema when you generate a Snapshot and you would like to stop managing the Application but need to view the historic snapshot data in the Health Dashboard or you need to restore the Application at a later date.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove all analysis results data associated to the specified Application from the Analysis Service schema when you stop managing the Application. All relevant analysis results data will no longer be visible in the CAST Discovery Portal.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you would like to remove the Application but need to view the analysis results data in the CAST Discovery Portal or you need to restore the Application at a later date.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

This option will clean up any references to the specified Application when you stop managing the Application. These references correspond to items in the Delivery Folder (see Preferences - Platform Settings).

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove any references to the specified Application from the Delivery folder when you stop managing the Application.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you want to retain the references to the Application in the Delivery Folder for whatever reason.


Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

This option will remove any deployed source code associated to the specified Application when you stop managing the Application. This source code corresponds to the current Version in the Application and have been deployed to the CAST Source Code Deployment Folder (see Preferences - Platform Settings). If you remove the deployed source code you will no longer be able to analyze that Version of the source code.

Set this option to true if you want to completely remove all deployed source code associated to the current Application from the Deployment Folder when you stop managing the Application.

Set this option to false (or omit it) if you want to retain the deployed source code for whatever reason.


Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of applications' source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Specifies the log root path folder. An absolute path is required. You can use either back or forward slashes.

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Refers to the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Refers to the LTSA (Large Temporary Storage Area).

Please see Preferences - Platform Settings for more information.


Mail server IP, name or address.

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Mail server port (default is 25) Default: 25

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.


Optional sender (may be required by Mail server for SPAM filtering)

Please see Preferences - Mail for more information.

[logFilePath <string>] Log file path. Default value is $TEMP$PRODUCTNAME$INCREMENT.log.txt