Out of the box in Console ≥ 1.27.1 and ≥ 2.1.0, SQL validation (to check for syntax errors) is disabled for the following features:
- Creating Explicit Filter queries for User Defined Modules in Application - Config - Modules
Therefore, when you save the job or explicit filter, no check is made to ensure that the SQL is valid. This could result in a job failure when the job is run, if the SQL is not valid. If you need to enable SQL validation, you can do so as follows:
Step 1 - Edit the configuration file
Edit the following file in a text editor - this file is available on EACH Node, therefore if you have more than one Node, you will need to make this change on all Nodes:
≥ 2.x %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AIP-Node\application.yml 1.x %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AipConsole\AipNode\
Locate the following lines in the file:
≥ 2.x sql: validation: # this property to enable or disable the sql validation of query for modules explicit filter or update KB tool enabled: false 1.x sql.validation.enabled=false
Set the parameter to true, for example:
≥ 2.x sql: validation: # this property to enable or disable the sql validation of query for modules explicit filter or update KB tool enabled: true 1.x sql.validation.enabled=true
Save the file when you have completed the changes.
Step 2 - Apply configuration changes
Restart the Node Windows Service (or batch file) to ensure all changes are taken into account.