Purpose (problem description)

This page troubleshoots the issue when you are expecting to get an object(s) in the list of generated set. Note that you can generate this list for entry point, end point, data entities and excluded items.

The bellow screenshot illustrate our attempt to generate from the entry point node the list of objects in generated set that have the type "Report"

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)

Step by Step scenario

  1. Run analysis.
  2. Open TCC.
  3. Generate the list of objects in generated set for entry point, end point, data entities or excluded items.

Action Plan

  1. Check if the object(s) that are you waiting to get is analyzed, for this please refer to the following page Enlighten - Objects - Missing objects, if the object(s) is analyzed then go to the next step, else follow the steps in Enlighten - Objects - Missing objects.

  2. Check if the object is not part of the list of Ghost objects, for this please refer the following page  SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - Identify and clean up all the ghost objects and ghost projects in your knowledge base if it's the case then it's normal to not get this object in the list of generated set, else go to the next step
  3. In the case when the generaed Set is for data entities, then check if the object(s) is part of any functional modules, for this you can refer the following page SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Module - Module content and properties or you can check directly if the objects are displayed in the Module content overview list, for this please refer the following official documentation CMS - User Defined Module editor,
    • If the objects are not part of any module then you should manage your module configuration in order to include them in one of the modules, for this please refer to the following official page CMS - User Defined Module editor. After managing your module configuration, run a snapshot by skipping analysis or compute function point from TCC and check the list of generated set if the issue is not resolved then go to the next

    • Else go to the next step

  4. If the object is an UI technology then check if the object(s) is part of the particular UA technological module for this please run the following query on your knowledge base:

    SELECT k.idkey, 
    FROM   objpro op 
    JOIN   keys k 
    ON     k.idkey = op.idobj 
    JOIN   keys kp 
    ON     kp.idkey = op.idpro 
    JOIN   typ t 
    ON     t.idtyp = kp.objtyp 
    WHERE  op.idobj = <object_id>;

    For instance - The example UA technology that we have is Reports.
    In our case this query is run for object with ID - 1597608 and it should return 2 rows, 1 row for the UI and the second one for the project :

    SELECT k.idkey, 
    FROM   objpro op 
    JOIN   keys k 
    ON     k.idkey = op.idobj 
    JOIN   keys kp 
    ON     kp.idkey = op.idpro 
    JOIN   typ t 
    ON     t.idtyp = kp.objtyp 
    WHERE  op.idobj = 1597608;
    1597608;"object - Others - QMT by DLR.wid";"Reports_wid_Project";"ReportsProject"
    1597608;"object - Others - QMT by DLR.wid";"Reports_wid_Project_14056";"universalProject"

    If the query returns 2 rows then please contact CAST Technical Support with the following Relevant input, else If you are using an unsupported technology (please refer to Supported Technologies ), then check if you are configuring the xxx_project.UAX file as described in the following page project files, you can use the following query to get the path of the xxx_project.UAX that is related to the object -

    SELECT refp.path
    FROM keys k
     JOIN objfilref obj
     ON k.idkey = obj.idobj
     JOIN refpath refp
     ON refp.idfilref = obj.idfilref
    WHERE k.idkey = <object_id>

    If you do not have the mandatory configuration then please correct your configuration else if you have followed the documentation in order to configure your xxx_project.UAX and you are still facing the issue then please contact CAST Technical Support with the following Relevant input.

Relevant input

  1. Name of an object that you are expecting to be present in the list.
  2. Screenshot of the TCC showing the problem.
  3. Sherlock export with the following options: Export Logs (feature checked by default), Export Configuration files (feature checked by default),Export CAST Bases, Export source code.

 Ticket # 8764

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