Purpose (problem description)

This page explains the case when the transaction is flagged as modified in the evolution node, while there is no change in the analyzed code source.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)

Step by Step scenario

  1. Run at least 2 snapsots
  2. Connect to TCC
  3. Observe the variation
Action Plan
  1. Check if the DELETED Transaction is not an ADDED/DELETD Transaction, for this refer to Transaction Configuration Center - Enhancement - Transactional Functions - Status Variation - Transactions status are ADDED and DELETED If not go to the next step
  2. Read the status in the TF of the entry point
  3. If the status in the TF of the entry point is ADDED
    1. Read the object status itself of the entry point
    2. If the object status itself  is ADDED then the object was missing from the previous run, investigate the issue of missing object on from the previous run by referring to CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Missing objects
    3. If the object status itself  is UNCHANGED:
      1. Compare the entry points configuration between the 2 runs, Is the entry configured in the curent run but not in the previous run? If yes then this explain the raison for having a ADDED transaction, else go to the next step
  4. If the status in the TF of the entry point is UNCHANGED
    1. Check if the Transaction is a valid Transaction in the current run that was an empty Transaction in the previous run, in order to check this refer to the following section How to determine if I have detected all the transactions?
    2. If the transaction was an empty transaction in the previous run, then do the following, if it wasn't an empty transaction then go to the next step: 
      1. If this is a migration to 8.3.3 or higher, check if the transaction was empty in previous run because there was only one end point and it is not contributing as in the screenshot below, see the information below.  Otherwise, continue to the next step:
        1. If it is empty, because of being a non contribuing end point, then this status change is expected due to a change in CAST 8.3.3 that when transaction function has end points without contribution only, then the function point value is not 0.  Please see this documentation for further information:  8.3.3 changes on the way non-contributing end points are handled
      2. Open TCC of current run and previous run
      3. View the full call graph of Transaction from previous run
      4. Open Enlighten with the knowledge base associated to the current run
      5. Try to trace the full Call graph of Transaction from current run:
        1. Place the object corresponding to the entry point in the Graphical View
        2. Add Linked Objects of the object corresponding to the entry point as seen in the full call graph of TCC
        3. Place the objects corresponding to the linked objects in the Graphical View
        4. Add Linked Objects of the linked objects as seen in the full call graph of TCC
        5. Do point 3 and 4 until:
          1. You are not able to trace the Transaction because of missing link then refer to CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Missing or Wrong links between two objects
          2. Or you are not able to trace the Transaction because of missing objects then refer to  CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Missing objects
          3. Or you are able to trace the missing path then refer to Transaction Configuration Center - AFP Calibration - Transactional Functions - Missing Links
    3. Check if the Transaction was not a detail Transaction of merged transactions, for this run the following query on the previous knowledge base - SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Transactions - How to get the Merged object of a Main object in a Transaction Merge

      If the query returns rows then the Transaction was merged with another one and the query provide you the name of the Transaction that's was the root merge of the added Transaction.

  5. If the status in the TF of the entry point is MODFIED. This sounds strange but possible. This can happen if the added Transaction on which we are investigating is a root Transaction of a Transactions merge, and the entry point of the detail Transaction is ADDED in the current run, in this case the root cause of the add of Transaction that we are investigating on, can be due to the add of the merged Transaction.
    1. Run the following query on the current local base to get the name of the merged Transaction - SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Transactions - How to get the Merged object of a Main object in a Transaction Merge

      If the query returns rows then the Transaction is merged with another one and the query provide you the name of the detail Transaction, now you need to investigate the root cause of the add of the merged Transaction, by following this Troubleshooting guide.

If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input


Ticket # Number, Number

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