
This page helps you to troubleshoot issues observed under the node AFP Calibration > Transactional Functions

Official documentation

TKB page for Information Guides > Component of the feature Transaction Configuration Center TCC

*Observed in CAST AIP

*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan
  1. Select the page you are untersted in
  2. Note that the FP value is incorrect in the following cases:
    1. FP value Will be equal to 0 when the entry point doe not reach any end point. We will talk about empty Transaction, if this is the case then you need to trace the Full call graph of the Transaction under Enlighten then refer to the page Transaction Configuration Center - AFP Calibration - Transactional Functions - Missing Links 
    2. FP value Will have a value lower then the correct one if the entry point does not reach one of the end points when it should, if this is the case then the one you are expecting, then you need to trace the Full call graph of the Transaction under Enlighten then refer to the page Transaction Configuration Center - AFP Calibration - Transactional Functions - Wrong Links 
    3. FP value Will have a value grater then the correct one if the entry point reach one of the end points when it should not, if this is the case then the one you are expecting, then you need to trace the Full call graph of the Transaction under Enlighten then refer to the page Transaction Configuration Center - AFP Calibration - Transactional Functions - Missing Links
  3. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input

 For CAST Technical Support Only - Transaction Configuration Center - Information - How to reproduce user issues

Relevant input

  1. Sherlock export with the following options: Export Logs (feature checked by default), Export Configuration files (feature checked by default),Export CAST Bases, Export source code
  2. Screenshot of the unexpected results
  3. Justification of why results are not the expected ones


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