
This page helps you to troubleshoot issues observed under the node AFP Calibration > Data Function for the column Computed Type between two different runs.

Figure 1

For more information on what is computed type , refer to TCC - Compute

*Observed in CAST AIP

*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan
  1. Get the computed type for current run and previous run from TCC
  2. Get the access links present for the datafunction object in Enlighten for current & previous run
    1. Drag the datafunction object
    2. Right click and add linked objects
  3. If there are any Update/Delete/Insert/Write (Uu , Ud , Ui , Aw. For more information on these links refer to ENL - Links) links then the computed type should be ILF.
    1. Validate the links. If there are wrong links then navigate to page - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Missing or Wrong links between two objects in order to trobleshoot your issue with links.
    2. If you are not seeing ILF as the computed type in current run then issue is in current run contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input
    3. Else If you are not seeing ILF as the computed type in previous run then issue is in previous run contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input
  4. If the Data Function is only linked by Select/Read (Us , Ar . For more information on these links refer to ENL - Links links then the computed type should be EIF.
    1. Validate the links. If there are wrong links then navigate to page - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Missing or Wrong links between two objects in order to trobleshoot your issue with links.
    2. If you are not seeing EIF as the computed type in current run then issue is in current run contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input
    3. Else If you are not seeing EIF as the computed type in previous run then issue is in previous run contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input
  5. If there are any untyped use links (only U . For more information on these links refer to ENL - Links) then the computed type will be ILF by default
    1. If you are in a CAST AIP version >= 8.2.x then check if you have changed the default datafunction type explicitly -
      Global Computation Settings

      Calibrate > Computation Settings → Global Computation Settings
      Figure 2
      Configuration at Application level
      Right click the Application → Computation Settings
      Figure 3
      If 'Use Global Computation Settings' option is checked then the datafunction default Type at application level will be same as at global level i.e. the datafuncton default type set at application level will be ignored.

      1. If yes then this is expected behavior else go to next step
      2. Validate the links. If there are wrong links then navigate to page - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Missing or Wrong links between two objects in order to trobleshoot your issue with links.
      3. If you are not seeing ILF as the computed type in current run then issue is in current run contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input
      4. Else If you are not seeing ILF as the computed type in previous run then issue is in previous run contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input

If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page,  contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input

For CAST Technical Support Only - Transaction Configuration Center - Information - How to reproduce user issues

Relevant Input

  1. Sherlock export of the current analysis version with the following options: Export Logs, Export Configuration files, Export CAST Bases, Export source code
  2. Database backup of the previous analysis version
  3. Screenshot of TCC on AFP Calibration > Data Function node pointing to the datafunction with which you have problem
  4. Screeshot of enlighten showing linked objects to the Datafunction

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