Tools - LDAP Servers - ADexplorer Tool for troubleshooting LDAP problems


This page describes a Microsoft tool which can be helpful in troubleshooting LDAP problems on the dashboard.

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Step by Step scenario

LDAP issues can be difficult to debug, especially if the user has not entered in the proper information in the dashboard configuration files.

ADexplorer can be used so that you can confirm the following:

  • the user can connect to an LDAP server
  • information can be retrieved from the LDAP server
  • content of the information on the LDAP server to compare with the information in the dashboard configuration files 

ADExplorer is a Microsoft tool which basically provides a browser or way of exploring Active Directory information.

It can be downloaded from Microsoft on the page below.

Once you have it downloaded, then you just need to run 'ADExplorer.exe' and it will bring up a GUI to allow you to connect to your LDAP server:

You also have an option to save the connection information for future use. You should not put:


in the connection string, just put the ldap server and port like:


Once you have connected, then you can browse the LDAP information as needed to see what is stored on the LDAP server. 

This is an example of what you may see:

You can then browse further to see the specific values set by expanding the areas in the browser.  You may need assistance in finding specific entries from your LDAP administrator. 



Related Pages

Microsoft page for ADexplorer: