
Server Manager throws the following error when trying to install the SQL Analyzer extension:

Analyzer for SQL Files is incompatible with the schema metamodel

As shown in the screenshot below:

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario

Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:

  1. In your CAST schemas (local, central & mngt), the custom UA language pack “SQLScript” has been installed.
    To determine if it has been installed, run the following query in Management base.

    select * from Cat where IdCat = 2361000

     When the query returns a line, SQLScript is installed.         

  2. Download SQL Analyzer Extension
  3. Open Server Manager
  4. Install SQL Analyzer Extension in Server Manager
Impact of the Problem

Extension SQL Analyzer cannot be installed, so you cannot analyze the SQL part of your analysis

Action Plan

The issue here is due to an incompatibility with a prior Universal Analyzer provided by the consulting organization and the SQL Analyzer extension.

To remedy this issue,do the following steps:

  1. Download this update to the existing consulting Universal Analyzer (UA): Zip file for modifying consulting SQLScript UA
  2. Update the currently installed SQLScript UA files with the files from the downloaded update (See the following for documentation on this step: Updating the UA files )
  3. With server manager, run "Load metamodel from disk" on all 3 schemas: local, central & mngt (See the following for documentation on this step: Load MetaModel )
  4. Run the below update queries on the management database, updating the set search_path line to have the management based being used for the updates. The results of these queries will just show that items have been updated. The queries below are for CSS. 

    SET search_path TO <my_mngt>;
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>SQLScript<','>SQLScriptFile<');
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>SQLScriptProject<','>SQLScriptFileProject<');
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>SQLScriptContent<','>SQLScriptFileContent<');
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>SQLScript_SUBSET<','>SQLScriptFile_SUBSET<');
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>APM SQLScript Module<','>APM SQLScriptFile Module<');
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>APM SQLScript Artifacts<','>APM SQLScriptFile Artifacts<');
    UPDATE cal_objsetdef
    SET    setdefinition=REPLACE(setdefinition,'>EnlightenSQLScript<','>EnlightenSQLScriptFile<');
    UPDATE CMS_AMT_ObjectTypes cao
    SET    Description = t.TypDsc
    FROM   Typ t
    WHERE  t.IdTyp          = cao.AMTObjectID
    AND    t.TypDsc      LIKE '%SQLScript%'
    AND    cao.Description != t.TypDsc;
  5. The “SQL Analyzer” can now be installed via the standard procedure with extension downloader and Server Manager  

    This procedure will NOT take care of fixing any config files exported from TCC or Architecture Checker created prior to executing the above procedure and it may still contain references to the old "SQLScript UA" types. In case of any doubt, never re-import those files.

 Custom UA language pack “SQLScript” was developed by and is available from the CAST Solution Delivery team.
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