Purpose (problem description)

This page assists with the following problems you may face when updating extensions and the update fails

  • with an extension ID conflict
  • and/or incompatible metamodel error as shown in the screenshot below:

Observed in CAST Version




Observed in RDBMS



CSS (tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Download extension
  2. Install Extension
  3. Error when installing extension
Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. This normally is an issue with a custom created extension.  To assist in resolving the issue, please follow the below steps to help indicate where the problem is.  Once identified, then the extension creator would need to modify the custom extension to correct the problem.
    1. In the extension folder of the extension that is having the issue, navigate to the Configuration sub-folder, and then further into Language sub-folder,  In that directory (<extensions directory>/<problem extension>/Configuration/Language), Open the <XXX>metamodel.xml file  for viewing.  This will look as follows (example from the Siebel extension metamodel file - SeibelMetaModel.xml);
    2. Then for the type, category and properties in this file, check to see if the entry is already there in the database
      1. For type, see the image below:
        1. The database check would then be something like this (substitute the actual type name in the file for the example 'SiebelProject' below):
          1. select * from typ where typnam = 'SiebelProject';
          2. If this query returns a row then it indicates that this is a problem.
      2. For category, see the image below:
        1. The database check would then be something like this (substitute the actual type name in the file for the example 'APM Siebel Module' below):
          1. select * from cat where catnam = 'APM Siebel Module';
          2. If this query returns a row then it indicates that this is a problem.
      3. For property, see the image below:
        1. The database check would then be something like this (substitute the actual type name in the file for the example 'PickApplet' below):
          1. select * from prop where propnam = 'PickApplet';
          2. If this query returns a row then it indicates that this is a problem.
  2. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the  relevant input



Ticket # 18815 

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