SQL Queries - Common SQL Queries - Queries on Installation - Update the Unique Service ID

Purpose of Query

 This page helps you to update the service ID for a schema (Local, Central, MNGT) from the database. This will avoid same Service ID for 2 schemas on the same DB server.

Applicable CAST Version

8.3.x (tick) 
8.2.x (tick) 
8.1.x (tick) 
8.0.x (tick) 
Applicable RDBMS

Oracle Server (tick) 
Microsoft SQL Server (tick) 
CSS2 (tick) 
Query for CSS
set search_path = <Schema Name>; 
DO $$
rec record;
curschema varchar;
oldsiteid integer;
qry1 varchar;
newsiteid INTEGER;
	DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_otherschema_sys_site;
	CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_otherschema_sys_site(site_id INTEGER NOT NULL);
	SELECT current_schema() into curschema;
	SELECT site_id FROM sys_site into oldsiteid;
	--RAISE NOTICE 'Old site id  %',oldsiteid;
	FOR rec in SELECT table_schema FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'sys_site' and table_schema <> curschema 
		SELECT format('SELECT site_id FROM %s.sys_site', quote_ident(rec.table_schema)) into qry1;
		Execute 'INSERT INTO tmp_otherschema_sys_site (site_id) ' || qry1;		
        END LOOP;
        IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tmp_otherschema_sys_site WHERE site_id = oldsiteid) THEN
		SELECT (CASE WHEN MIN(site_id) > 1 then MIN(site_id)-1 ELSE MAX(site_id)+1 END)::INTEGER into newsiteid 
		  FROM tmp_otherschema_sys_site;
		--RAISE NOTICE 'New site id  %',newsiteid;
		UPDATE sys_site SET site_id = newsiteid WHERE site_id = oldsiteid;
	END IF;                    
	DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_otherschema_sys_site;
Query result example
Query result interpretation
The query will check the entire DB to see if there are any duplicated and then update the site_id accordingly. 

Ticket reference