SQL Queries - CAST Measure Base - Checking and removing corruptions - Snapshot containing quality rules with zero total check

Purpose of Query

 This query lists the snapshots containing Quality rules with a total check equal to zero.

Applicable CAST Version


8.3.x (tick) 
8.2.x (tick) 
8.1.x (tick) 
8.0.x (tick) 
Applicable RDBMS


Oracle Server (tick) 
Microsoft SQL Server (tick) 
CSS2 (tick) 

Query for CSS

Get the snapshot ID and count of QR

select s.SNAPSHOT_ID as Snapshot , count(1) as count
 where exists ( 
  select dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID from DSS_METRIC_RESULTS dmr 
    where dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID = s.SNAPSHOT_ID 
    and dmr.METRIC_VALUE_INDEX = 2 
    and dmr.METRIC_NUM_VALUE = 0 
    and dmr.METRIC_ID in (select dmt.METRIC_ID from DSS_METRIC_TYPES dmt where dmt.METRIC_GROUP = 1) 
    and dmr.OBJECT_ID in (select dos.OBJECT_ID from DSS_OBJECTS dos where dos.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = -102) 
group by s.SNAPSHOT_ID 
Query result example
 Snapshot count
--------   ------
1 2
2  2
Query result interpretation
 The results that you will get are snapshot ID and count of QR having a total check equal to zero

Correct the inconsistencies

Execute the below queries in the same order for each snapshot ID that is inconsistent in an increasing order. This means if you have snapshots 1 , 2 and 3 that are inconsistent, then you have to execute Query 1 , Query 2 and Query 3 for snapshot ID 1 followed by 2 and then 3.

  1. Query 1

    select DSS_PROPAGATE_RESULTS_TO_APP(<snapshot_ID>);
  2. Query 2

    where (SNAPSHOT_ID, OBJECT_ID, METRIC_ID) in (select dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID, dmr.object_id, dmr.metric_id
          from DSS_METRIC_RESULTS dmr 
          where dmr.METRIC_VALUE_INDEX = 2 
            and dmr.METRIC_NUM_VALUE = 0 
            and dmr.METRIC_ID in (select dmt.METRIC_ID from DSS_METRIC_TYPES dmt where dmt.METRIC_GROUP = 1) 
            and dmr.OBJECT_ID in (select dos.OBJECT_ID from DSS_OBJECTS dos where dos.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = -102) 
  3. Query 3

    select DSS_CLEANUP_COMPUTE_METRIC( <snapshot_ID> );

Query for Oracle

Get the snapshot ID and count of QR

select s.SNAPSHOT_ID as Snapshot , count(1) as count
 where exists ( 
  select dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID from DSS_METRIC_RESULTS dmr 
    where dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID = s.SNAPSHOT_ID 
    and dmr.METRIC_VALUE_INDEX = 2 
    and dmr.METRIC_NUM_VALUE = 0 
    and dmr.METRIC_ID in (select dmt.METRIC_ID from DSS_METRIC_TYPES dmt where dmt.METRIC_GROUP = 1) 
    and dmr.OBJECT_ID in (select dos.OBJECT_ID from DSS_OBJECTS dos where dos.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = -102) 
group by s.SNAPSHOT_ID 
Query result example
 Snapshot count
--------   ------
1 2
2  2
Query result interpretation
  The results that you will get are snapshot ID and count of QR having a total check equal to zero.

Correct the inconsistencies

Execute the below queries in the same order for each snapshot ID that is inconsistent in an increasing order. This means if you have snapshots 1 , 2 and 3 that are inconsistent, then you have to execute Query1 , Query2 and Query3 for snapshotID 1 followed by 2 and then 3.

  1. Query 1

    select DSS_PROPAGATE_RESULTS_TO_APP(<snapshot_ID>);
  2. Query 2

    where (SNAPSHOT_ID, OBJECT_ID, METRIC_ID) in (select dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID, dmr.object_id, dmr.metric_id
          from DSS_METRIC_RESULTS dmr 
          where dmr.METRIC_VALUE_INDEX = 2 
            and dmr.METRIC_NUM_VALUE = 0 
            and dmr.METRIC_ID in (select dmt.METRIC_ID from DSS_METRIC_TYPES dmt where dmt.METRIC_GROUP = 1) 
            and dmr.OBJECT_ID in (select dos.OBJECT_ID from DSS_OBJECTS dos where dos.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = -102) 
  3. Query 3

    select DSS_CLEANUP_COMPUTE_METRIC( <snapshot_ID> );
Query for SQL server

Get the snapshot ID and count of QR

select s.SNAPSHOT_ID as Snapshot , count(1) as count
 where exists ( 
  select dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID from DSS_METRIC_RESULTS dmr 
    where dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID = s.SNAPSHOT_ID 
    and dmr.METRIC_VALUE_INDEX = 2 
    and dmr.METRIC_NUM_VALUE = 0 
    and dmr.METRIC_ID in (select dmt.METRIC_ID from DSS_METRIC_TYPES dmt where dmt.METRIC_GROUP = 1) 
    and dmr.OBJECT_ID in (select dos.OBJECT_ID from DSS_OBJECTS dos where dos.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = -102) 
group by s.SNAPSHOT_ID 
Query result example
 Snapshot count
--------   ------
1 2
2  2
Query result interpretation
   The results that you will get are snapshot ID and count of QR having a total check equal to zero.

Correct the inconsistencies

Execute the below queries in the same order for each snapshot ID that is inconsistent in an increasing order. This means if you have snapshots 1 , 2 and 3 that are inconsistent, then you have to execute Query 1 , Query 2 and Query 3 for snapshot ID 1 followed by 2 and then 3.

  1. Query 1

    select DSS_PROPAGATE_RESULTS_TO_APP(<snapshot_ID>);
  2. Query 2

    where (SNAPSHOT_ID, OBJECT_ID, METRIC_ID) in (select dmr.SNAPSHOT_ID, dmr.object_id, dmr.metric_id
          from DSS_METRIC_RESULTS dmr 
          where dmr.METRIC_VALUE_INDEX = 2 
            and dmr.METRIC_NUM_VALUE = 0 
            and dmr.METRIC_ID in (select dmt.METRIC_ID from DSS_METRIC_TYPES dmt where dmt.METRIC_GROUP = 1) 
            and dmr.OBJECT_ID in (select dos.OBJECT_ID from DSS_OBJECTS dos where dos.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = -102) 
  3. Query 3

    select DSS_CLEANUP_COMPUTE_METRIC( <snapshot_ID> );


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