Purpose of Query

 This pages helps you to identify and remove ghost technologies.

Applicable CAST Version


8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
Applicable RDBMS


Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)
Query for CSS

Run the query to return the snapshot Id and the ghost technology Id

SELECT dli1.next_object_id AS TECHNO_ID, 
FROM   dss_objects dos 
       JOIN dss_link_info dli1 
         ON dos.object_type_id = -102 
            AND dli1.link_type_id = 2 
            AND dli1.previous_object_id = dos.object_id 
       LEFT JOIN dss_object_info doi 
              ON doi.object_id = dli1.next_object_id 
                 AND doi.snapshot_id = dli1.snapshot_id 
       LEFT JOIN dss_link_info dli2 
              ON dli2.previous_object_id = dli1.next_object_id 
                 AND dli2.link_type_id = 1 
                 AND dli2.snapshot_id = dli1.snapshot_id 
WHERE  doi.object_id IS NULL 
ORDER  BY dli1.next_object_id 
Query result example
Query result interpretation
The query returns the snapshot Id and the ghost technology Id

How to fix the issue?

  1. Remove the corruption from the central schema corresponding to the corrupted snapshot - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Checking and removing corruptions - Ghost technologies

  2. Remove the snapshot from the measure schema
  3. Upload the snapshot from the central schema to the measure schema
Query for Oracle

Run the query to return the snapshot Id and the ghost technology Id

SELECT dli1.next_object_id AS TECHNO_ID, 
FROM   dss_objects dos 
       JOIN dss_link_info dli1 
         ON dos.object_type_id = -102 
            AND dli1.link_type_id = 2 
            AND dli1.previous_object_id = dos.object_id 
       LEFT JOIN dss_object_info doi 
              ON doi.object_id = dli1.next_object_id 
                 AND doi.snapshot_id = dli1.snapshot_id 
       LEFT JOIN dss_link_info dli2 
              ON dli2.previous_object_id = dli1.next_object_id 
                 AND dli2.link_type_id = 1 
                 AND dli2.snapshot_id = dli1.snapshot_id 
WHERE  doi.object_id IS NULL 
ORDER  BY dli1.next_object_id 
Query result example
Query result interpretation
The query returns the snapshot Id and the ghost technology Id
  1. How to fix the issue?

    1. Remove the corruption from the central schema corresponding to the corrupted snapshot - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Checking and removing corruptions - Ghost technologies

    2. Remove the snapshot from the measure schema
    3. Upload the snapshot from the central schema to the measure schema
Query for SQL Server

Run the query to return the snapshot Id and the ghost technology Id.

SELECT dli1.next_object_id AS TECHNO_ID, 
FROM   dss_objects dos 
       JOIN dss_link_info dli1 
         ON dos.object_type_id = -102 
            AND dli1.link_type_id = 2 
            AND dli1.previous_object_id = dos.object_id 
       LEFT JOIN dss_object_info doi 
              ON doi.object_id = dli1.next_object_id 
                 AND doi.snapshot_id = dli1.snapshot_id 
       LEFT JOIN dss_link_info dli2 
              ON dli2.previous_object_id = dli1.next_object_id 
                 AND dli2.link_type_id = 1 
                 AND dli2.snapshot_id = dli1.snapshot_id 
WHERE  doi.object_id IS NULL 
ORDER  BY dli1.next_object_id 
Query result example
Query result interpretation
The query returns the snapshot Id and the ghost technology Id

How to fix the issue?

  1. Remove the corruption from the central schema corresponding to the corrupted snapshot - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Checking and removing corruptions - Ghost technologies

  2. Remove the snapshot from the measure schema
  3. Upload the snapshot from the central schema to the measure schema




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