SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to get the count and list of objects per technology

Purpose of Query

The queries listed in this page when executed will provide you with the count of objects by technology as well as the list of specific objects per technology

Applicable CAST Version
8.2.x (tick)
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Query for CSS

The following query will provide a count of objects by technology:

         language.CatNam AS Technology
FROM     Typ type                   ,
         TypCat language_inheritance,
         Cat language               ,
         CatCat inheritance         ,
         TypCat persistent          ,
         Keys keys
WHERE    language.IdCat         = inheritance.IdCat
AND      inheritance.IdCatParent=6000
         /* CsvLanguage */
AND      language_inheritance.IdTyp       = type.IdTyp
AND      language_inheritance.IdCatParent = language.IdCat
AND      persistent.IdTyp                 = type.IdTyp
AND      persistent.IdCatParent           = 1023
         /* persistent */
AND      keys.ObjTyp = type.IdTyp
GROUP BY language.catnam
ORDER BY language.catnam;

Query result example





Query result interpretation

There are 41 c/c++ objects, 4343 java objects, 10111 PHP objects, and 985 Tibco objects.

The following query will provide a list of objects by technology:

SELECT   keys.*,
         language.CatNam AS Technology
FROM     Typ type                   ,
         TypCat language_inheritance,
         Cat language               ,
         CatCat inheritance         ,
         TypCat persistent          ,
         Keys keys
WHERE    language.IdCat         = inheritance.IdCat
AND      inheritance.IdCatParent=6000
         /* CsvLanguage */
AND      language_inheritance.IdTyp       = type.IdTyp
AND      language_inheritance.IdCatParent = language.IdCat
AND      persistent.IdTyp                 = type.IdTyp
AND      persistent.IdCatParent           = 1023
         /* persistent */
AND      keys.ObjTyp = type.IdTyp
ORDER BY language.IdCat
Query result example

388236;"WWHClickedPopup";"";"XXXXXX";-1;8080;34078992;137746;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"CAST_Web"
388234;"WWHShowPopup";"";"XXXXXX";-1;8080;34078992;137746;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"CAST_Web"
388233;"WWHSyncTOC";"";"XXXXXX";-1;8080;34078992;137746;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"CAST_Web"
388232;"WWHUpdateFavorite";"";"XXXXXX";-1;8080;34078992;137746;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"CAST_Web"
388231;"WWHClickedPopup";"";"XXXXXX";-1;8080;34078992;137746;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"CAST_Web"

853005;"getAttIds";"";"XXXXXX";-1;5070;1241513986;102;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"Java"
853006;"setAttIds";"";"XXXXXX";-1;5070;1241513986;102;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"Java"
853007;"getIds";"";"XXXXXX";-1;5070;1241513986;102;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"Java"
853008;"setIds";"";"XXXXXX";-1;5070;1241513986;102;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"Java"
853009;"setConceptId";"";"XXXXXX";-1;5070;1241513986;102;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"Java"

114859;"KS_LASTID";"";"XXXXXX";-1;36111;0;138832;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"PLSQL"
114858;"UC_KS_TABLE";"";"XXXXXX";-1;36116;0;138391;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"PLSQL"
114857;"PK_KS_TABLE";"";"XXXXXX";-1;36115;0;138389;"???";"1970-01-01 00:00:00";"";0;"";"PLSQL"

Query result interpretation

There are 13 objects, 5 of which belong to the CAST_Web technology. 5 other objects belong to the Java technology, and 3 belong to Oracle PL/SQL technology

Query for Oracle
Query result example
Query result interpretation


Query for SQL server
Query result example
Query result interpretation



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