SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on jobs - How to find out the execution unit an object belongs to

Purpose of Query

This document provides a query to get information on the execution unit an object belongs to.

Applicable CAST Version
8.3.x (tick) 
8.2.x (tick) 
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick) 
Microsoft SQL Server (tick) 
CSS (tick) 
Query for CSS
FROM   AnaJob aj
       JOIN AnaPro ap
       ON     aj.IdJob = ap.IdJob
       JOIN ObjPro op
       ON     op.IdPro = ap.IdPro
       JOIN Keys k
       ON     k.IdKey     = op.IdObj
       AND    k.keynam LIKE '%<object name>%'
Query result example

1290454;"My Source file based execution unit_2701";719;800;-1;"2016-12-16 20:37:31.697";"2016-12-16 21:26:30.265"

Query result interpretation

 Object <object_name> belongs to an execution unit called "My Source file based execution unit_2701".

It was analyzed between 20h37mn and 21h26mn on the 16th of december, 2016.

The object ID of the execution unit is 1290454

Query for Oracle
FROM   AnaJob aj
       JOIN AnaPro ap
       ON     aj.IdJob = ap.IdJob
       JOIN ObjPro op
       ON     op.IdPro = ap.IdPro
       JOIN Keys k
       ON     k.IdKey     = op.IdObj
       AND    k.keynam LIKE '%<object name>%'
Query result example

1290454;"My Source file based execution unit_2701";719;800;-1;"2016-12-16 20:37:31.697";"2016-12-16 21:26:30.265"

Query result interpretation
Object <object_name> belongs to an execution unit called "My Source file based execution unit_2701".

It was analyzed between 20h37mn and 21h26mn on the 16th of december, 2016.

The object ID of the execution unit is 1290454

Query for SQL server
FROM   AnaJob aj
       JOIN AnaPro ap
       ON     aj.IdJob = ap.IdJob
       JOIN ObjPro op
       ON     op.IdPro = ap.IdPro
       JOIN Keys k
       ON     k.IdKey     = op.IdObj
       AND    k.keynam LIKE '%<object name>%'
Query result example

1290454;"My Source file based execution unit_2701";719;800;-1;"2016-12-16 20:37:31.697";"2016-12-16 21:26:30.265"

Query result interpretation

Object <object_name> belongs to an execution unit called "My Source file based execution unit_2701".

It was analyzed between 20h37mn and 21h26mn on the 16th of december, 2016.

The object ID of the execution unit is 1290454


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