SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Transactions - How to get the list of analyzed links eligible to be part of Transactions

Purpose of Query

 This page list the analyzed links eligible to be part of Transactions

Applicable CAST Version
8.3.x (tick)
8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
Applicable RDBMS


Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)

Query for CSS
 SELECT acc.idacc AS link_id, acc.idclr AS caller_id, acc.idcle AS called_id, 
    acc.acctyplo AS link_type_lo, acc.acctyphi AS link_type_hi, 
    0 AS link_type_lo2, 0 AS link_type_hi2
   FROM db_optimizer_local.acc
  WHERE (acc.accknd = ANY (ARRAY[0, 4096, 262144, 1048576])) AND (acc.prop & 65536) = 0;
Query result example
  3954;3951;"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\CPP\Common\Util.h].[readconnectionprofiles(std::vector<std::string>&)]";1521;"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\CPP\Common\Util.cpp].[Log_file(std::string, std::string)]"
Query result interpretation
 The query returns link id, caller id, caller full name, called id, called full name
Query for Oracle
 SELECT acc.idacc AS link_id, acc.idclr AS caller_id, acc.idcle AS called_id, 
    acc.acctyplo AS link_type_lo, acc.acctyphi AS link_type_hi, 
    0 AS link_type_lo2, 0 AS link_type_hi2
   FROM db_optimizer_local.acc
  WHERE (acc.accknd = ANY (ARRAY[0, 4096, 262144, 1048576])) AND (acc.prop & 65536) = 0;
Query result example
  3954;3951;"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\CPP\Common\Util.h].[readconnectionprofiles(std::vector<std::string>&)]";1521;"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\CPP\Common\Util.cpp].[Log_file(std::string, std::string)]"
Query result interpretation
  The query returns link id, caller id, caller full name, called id, called full name
Query for SQL server
 SELECT acc.idacc AS link_id, acc.idclr AS caller_id, acc.idcle AS called_id, 
    acc.acctyplo AS link_type_lo, acc.acctyphi AS link_type_hi, 
    0 AS link_type_lo2, 0 AS link_type_hi2
   FROM db_optimizer_local.acc
  WHERE (acc.accknd = ANY (ARRAY[0, 4096, 262144, 1048576])) AND (acc.prop & 65536) = 0;
Query result example
  3954;3951;"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\CPP\Common\Util.h].[readconnectionprofiles(std::vector<std::string>&)]";1521;"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\CPP\Common\Util.cpp].[Log_file(std::string, std::string)]"
Query result interpretation
  The query returns link id, caller id, caller full name, called id, called full name



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