SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Links - Dynamic Links - How to ignore or validate dynamic links based on object full name

Purpose of Query

This page provides a query to ignore or validate the Dynamic Links based on rules. In the current case, the rule is based on the object full name. The object full name is usually filtered by regular expression.

Applicable CAST Version
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(question)
Microsoft SQL Server(question)
Query for CSS

1- First we check if the query returns the links that we expect.

SELECT t1.typnam     AS "CALLER TYPE", 
       k1.idkey      AS "CALLER ID", 
       K1.keynam     AS "CALLER NAME", 
       ofn.fullname  AS "CALLER FULL NAME", 
       t2.typnam     AS "CALLEE TYPE", 
       k2.idkey      AS "CALLEE ID", 
       K2.keynam     AS "CALLEE NAME", 
       ofn2.fullname AS "CALLEE FULL NAME", 
       ac.prop       AS "PROP ID", 
         WHEN ac.prop = 1 THEN 'TO BE REVIEWED' 
         WHEN ac.prop = 65537 THEN 'IGNORED' 
         WHEN ac.prop = 32769 THEN 'VALIDATED' 
       END           AS "TYPE OF LINK" 
FROM   acc ac 
       join keys k1 
         ON k1.idkey = ac.idclr 
       join objfulnam ofn 
         ON ofn.idobj = k1.idkey 
            AND ofn.fullname ~ '[YOUR REGULAR EXPRESSION]' 
       join typ t1 
         ON t1.idtyp = k1.objtyp 
-- If the Type of the caller is requested uncomment the next line
--            AND t1.typnam = 'JV_METHOD' 
       join keys k2 
         ON k2.idkey = ac.idcle 
       join objfulnam ofn2 
         ON ofn2.idobj = k2.idkey 
            AND ofn2.fullname ~ '[YOUR REGULAR EXPRESSION]' 
       join typ t2 
         ON t2.idtyp = k2.objtyp
-- If the Type of the callee is requested uncomment the next line
--		 AND t2.typnam = 'CAST_Oracle_RelationalTable'
WHERE  prop = 1;  -- 1 is for unreviewed DLM, 65537  for ignored and 32769 for validated

Results from the query will look like the following showing details on the caller and callee - review the results and make sure that these are the links you want to modify:

Query result example
 "JV_FIELD";34542;"INCLUDE_PROFILES_PROPERTY";"org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.INCLUDE_PROFILES_PROPERTY";"JSP_PROPERTY_MAPPING";4511;"spring.profiles.include";"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\test835\mongo_java\Mongo\spring-boot-project\spring-boot\src\test\resources\application-morespecific.properties].spring.profiles.include";1;"TO BE REVIEWED"
"JV_METHOD";6356;"determineProjectType";"org.springframework.boot.cli.command.init.ProjectGenerationRequest.determineProjectType";"JSP_PROPERTY_MAPPING";4497;"value";"[C:\CASTMS\Deploy\test835\mongo_java\Mongo\spring-boot-project\spring-boot\src\test\resources\application.properties].value";1;"TO BE REVIEWED"

2- Once you have checked the result, you can ignore or validate the dynamic links

SET prop = [VALUE]  -- VALUE is 65537 for ignored dynamic links and 32769 for validated dynamic links
WHERE idacc IN
(SELECT idacc
FROM   acc ac 
       join keys k1 
         ON k1.idkey = ac.idclr 
       join objfulnam ofn 
         ON ofn.idobj = k1.idkey 
            AND ofn.fullname ~ '[YOUR REGULAR EXPRESSION]' 
       join typ t1 
         ON t1.idtyp = k1.objtyp 
-- If the Type of the caller is requested uncomment the next line
--            AND t1.typnam = 'JV_METHOD' 
       join keys k2 
         ON k2.idkey = ac.idcle 
       join objfulnam ofn2 
         ON ofn2.idobj = k2.idkey 
            AND ofn2.fullname ~ '[YOUR REGULAR EXPRESSION]' 
       join typ t2 
         ON t2.idtyp = k2.objtyp
-- If the Type of the callee is requested uncomment the next line
--		 AND t2.typnam = 'CAST_Oracle_RelationalTable'
WHERE  prop = 1);  -- 1 is for unreviewed DLM, 65537  for ignored and 32769 for validated

This query will just return with an indication of the number of rows modified.


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