SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on modules - How to compare the lines of code of all modules of an application for two snapshots

Purpose of Query

 This page provides a query which will compare the lines of code for all modules of an application for two snapshots of the application (snapshot_id required).  It assumes that two snapshots of the application have been successfully performed.  A second query is provided which also does this comparison for the last two snapshots (no snapshot_id required, though application id required).

Applicable CAST Version
8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server (question)
Microsoft SQL Server (question)
CSS2 (tick)


Query for CSS

Run the query below on the central base to get the results. The query requires two snapshots for the same application to be modified in the query below - a newer one and older one (snapshot_id_new and snapshot_id_old below).  Snapshot_id can be found by running the query on this page:  SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on snapshots - How to check the status of a snapshot

SELECT     t1."Module_Name" AS "Module Name"   ,
           t1."NLOC" AS "Current Version"         ,
           t2."NLOC" AS "Previous Version"        ,
           t1."NLOC"         - t2."NLOC"                                    AS "Difference",
           ROUND ( (t1."NLOC"- t2."NLOC") *100/ CAST(t2."NLOC" AS FLOAT),2) AS "Variance (in %)"
                            PT.SNAPSHOT_NAME "Snapshot_Name",
                            QV01.MEAS_VALUE "NLOC"          ,
                            PT.SNAPSHOT_ID "Snapshot_id"
           FROM             csv_portf_tree PT  ,
                            dss_snapshot_info I,
                            dss_objects DSS    ,
                            csv_quantity_val QV01
           WHERE            PT.SNAPSHOT_ID = <snapshot_id_new>
           AND              I.snapshot_ID      = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
           AND              I.SNAPSHOT_ID     <> -1
           AND              I.object_id        = DSS.object_id
           AND              DSS.object_type_id = -102
           AND              QV01.CONTEXT_ID    = PT.MODULE_ID
           AND              QV01.SNAPSHOT_ID   = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
           AND              QV01.MEASURE_ID    = 10151
           ORDER BY         1,
           INNER JOIN
                      (SELECT DISTINCT PT.MODULE_NAME "Module_Name"    ,
                                       PT.SNAPSHOT_NAME "Snapshot_Name",
                                       QV01.MEAS_VALUE "NLOC"          ,
                      FROM             csv_portf_tree PT  ,
                                       dss_snapshot_info I,
                                       dss_objects DSS    ,
                                       csv_quantity_val QV01
                      WHERE            PT.SNAPSHOT_ID = <snapshot_id_old>
                      AND              I.snapshot_ID      = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
                      AND              I.SNAPSHOT_ID     <> -1
                      AND              I.object_id        = DSS.object_id
                      AND              DSS.object_type_id = -102
                      AND              QV01.CONTEXT_ID    = PT.MODULE_ID
                      AND              QV01.SNAPSHOT_ID   = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
                      AND              QV01.MEASURE_ID    = 10151
                      ORDER BY         1,
           ON         t1."Module_Name" = t2."Module_Name";
Query result example
Query result interpretation
 Output provides the module name, the lines of code for the "new" snapshot for this module, the lines of code for the "old" snapshot for this module, the difference between the snapshots, and the percentage variation of the difference


Run the modified query below on the central base to get the results for the last two snapshots of an application'  no snapshot_id required, but the application id needs to be substituted in 3 spots in the query below and the application id can be obtained by following this page: SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on applications - How to get the ID of the application


Run the query below on the central base to get the results. The application id needs to be substituted in 3 spots in the query below and the application id can be obtained by following this page: SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on applications - How to get the ID of the applicationSELECT     t1."Module_Name" AS "Module Name"   ,
           t1."NLOC" AS "Current Version"         ,
           t2."NLOC" AS "Previous Version"        ,
           t1."NLOC"         - t2."NLOC"                                    AS "Difference",
           ROUND ( (t1."NLOC"- t2."NLOC") *100/ CAST(t2."NLOC" AS FLOAT),2) AS "Variance (in %)"
                            PT.SNAPSHOT_NAME "Snapshot_Name",
                            QV01.MEAS_VALUE "NLOC"          ,
                            PT.SNAPSHOT_ID "Snapshot_id"
           FROM             csv_portf_tree PT  ,
                            dss_snapshot_info I,
                            dss_objects DSS    ,
                            csv_quantity_val QV01
           WHERE            PT.SNAPSHOT_ID =
                            (SELECT MAX(SNAPSHOT_ID)
                            FROM    DSS_SNAPSHOTS
                            WHERE   application_id = <Application ID>
           AND              I.snapshot_ID      = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
           AND              I.SNAPSHOT_ID     <> -1
           AND              I.object_id        = DSS.object_id
           AND              DSS.object_type_id = -102
           AND              QV01.CONTEXT_ID    = PT.MODULE_ID
           AND              QV01.SNAPSHOT_ID   = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
           AND              QV01.MEASURE_ID    = 10151
           ORDER BY         1,
           INNER JOIN
                      (SELECT DISTINCT PT.MODULE_NAME "Module_Name"    ,
                                       PT.SNAPSHOT_NAME "Snapshot_Name",
                                       QV01.MEAS_VALUE "NLOC"          ,
                      FROM             csv_portf_tree PT  ,
                                       dss_snapshot_info I,
                                       dss_objects DSS    ,
                                       csv_quantity_val QV01
                      WHERE            PT.SNAPSHOT_ID =
                                       (SELECT MAX(snapshot_id)
                                       FROM    dss_snapshots
                                       WHERE   application_id = <Application ID>
                                       AND     snapshot_id NOT IN
                                               (SELECT MAX(snapshot_id)
                                               FROM    dss_snapshots
                                               WHERE   application_id = <Application ID>
                      AND              I.snapshot_ID      = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
                      AND              I.SNAPSHOT_ID     <> -1
                      AND              I.object_id        = DSS.object_id
                      AND              DSS.object_type_id = -102
                      AND              QV01.CONTEXT_ID    = PT.MODULE_ID
                      AND              QV01.SNAPSHOT_ID   = PT.SNAPSHOT_ID
                      AND              QV01.MEASURE_ID    = 10151
                      ORDER BY         1,
           ON         t1."Module_Name" = t2."Module_Name";
Query for Oracle
Enter the SQL query
Query result example
Query result interpretation
Query for SQL server
Enter the SQL query
Query result example
Query result interpretation



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