SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - How to check the status of the statistics in the CAST central base

Purpose of Query

This page provides information on how to check if the statistics on the CAST central base are the same as what is actually on the postgres server.

This can provide insight into performance problems with the CAST central base on snapshots.

Running cssoptimize should also assist with setting these statistics correctly. 

Remember that statistics must be updated with cssoptimize after a database restoration as the restoration does not restore the statistics.   

See the documentation on cssoptimize for more details on running cssoptimize:  Running CSSoptimize

Applicable CAST Version

8.3.x (tick)
8.2.x (tick)
Applicable RDBMS

Oracle Server (error)
Microsoft SQL Server (error)
CSS2 (tick)

Query for CSS

This query provides information on which tables in the central database have not being analyzed on the  postgres server (the central database name is required to be provided in the query below):

SELECT relname ,
n_live_tup ,
FROM pg_stat_all_tables
WHERE schemaname = <central database name>
AND last_autoanalyze IS NULL
AND last_analyze IS NULL;
Query result example
Query result interpretation

Normally, this query should return no rows which indicates that all tables have been properly analyzed.

If a row is returned, it provides the table name which has not been analyzed.

As mentioned above, this can be re mediated through the use of cssoptimize.

The following query then compares the information on the postgres server in regard to statistics and compares it to the statistic information in the central database:

SELECT psat.relname ,
psat.n_live_tup ,
psat.last_analyze ,
cps.n_prev_tup ,
FROM <central schema name>.CAST_pg_stat cps
JOIN pg_stat_all_tables psat
ON psat.schemaname = '<central schema name>'
AND psat.relname = cps.relname
psat.last_analyze < cps.last_analyze
AND psat.n_live_tup = 0
psat.last_autoanalyze < cps.last_analyze
AND psat.n_live_tup = 0
psat.last_analyze IS NULL
AND psat.last_autoanalyze IS NULL
AND cps.n_prev_tup != 0
psat.n_live_tup = 0
AND cps.n_prev_tup != 0
psat.n_live_tup != 0
AND cps.n_prev_tup = 0

Query result example
"adg_delta_snapshots";42;"";"";42;"2019-07-18 13:11:43.371533"
Query result interpretation

 Normally, this query should return no rows which indicates that the postgres server statistics and the cast central database statistics database are in sync.

If a row is returned, it provides the table name which is out of sync.

As mentioned above, this can potentially be remedied through the use of cssoptimize.


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