Report Generator - Information - How to identify SQL query related to a specific block in the report generator

This page describes how to identify SQL query related to a specific block in the report generator after activating SQL traces on  RestAPI logs and how to adapt it to execute it on pgadmin.
Applicable in CAST Version

Applicable RDBMS


CSS 2(tick)
CSS 3(tick)

Please follow the below steps -

  1. Activate SQL Traces on RestAPI war by following the page - Health Dashboard - Information - How to activate SQL traces on AAD and RestAPI logs
  2. Modify the file log4net.config in the directory - <ReportGenerator_Installation_folder> as shown below -

          ALL or DEBUG : Display all messages which are typed DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR or FATAL
          INFO         : Display all messages which are typed INFO, WARN, ERROR or FATAL
          WARN         : Display all messages which are typed WARN, ERROR or FATAL
          ERROR        : Display all messages which are typed ERROR or FATAL
          FATAL        : Display all messages which are typed FATAL
          OFF          : Display no messages
        <level value="DEBUG" />
        <appender-ref ref="A1" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFile" />
  3. Restart Tomcat
  4. Relaunch Report Generator
  5. Generate Report


    When you generate report using Template "2-Word-Components-Library.docx" then you will find blocks along with names in the generated report -

    You can see that the name of the block is - TOP_RISKIEST_COMPONENTS in this example.

  6. Open the log file formed. To find this log path you may refer to the page CAST Management Studio - Information - How to find logs and search for the name of the block for which you wish to get the Requested URL.


    log example
    2016-05-16 13:34:44,750 - DEBUG - Cast.Util.Log.LogHelper : Start TableBlock generation : Type TOP_RISKIEST_COMPONENTS
    2016-05-16 13:34:44,901 - DEBUG - Cast.Util.Log.LogHelper : Request URL 'http://localhost:8080/CAST-RESTAPI800/rest/AED/applications/3/snapshots/5/components/60014?nbRows=14' - Time elapsed : 00:00:00.1322673 
    2016-05-16 13:34:44,917 - DEBUG - Cast.Util.Log.LogHelper : End TableBlock generation (TOP_RISKIEST_COMPONENTS) in 167 milliseconds
  7. Execute the URI on the RestAPI Interface.

    Executing the URI on Rest API Interface
    In the example shown in this page the URI is  http://localhost:8080/CAST-RESTAPI800/rest/AED/applications/3/snapshots/5/components/60014?nbRows=14
    Connect to RestAPI, put the URI in the text box as shown below and click Submit button

  8. Open the Rest API log files (Example - <tomcat_installation_folder>/Webapps/RestAPI/logs/restapi.log) to get the SQL traces for this URI.

    2016-05-17 08:33:18,977| DEBUG | http-bio-8080-exec-2 | org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate | Executing prepared SQL query
    2016-05-17 08:33:19,029| DEBUG | http-bio-8080-exec-2 | org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate | Executing prepared SQL statement [select distinct o.OBJECT_ID as OBJECT_ID, o.OBJECT_FULL_NAME as OBJECT_FULL_NAME, o.OBJECT_NAME as OBJECT_NAME, (case ?  when 60011 then cast(r.TRAN_PROPER as bigint) when 60012 then r.CHAN_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.FAN_IN as bigint)) when 60013 then r.ROBU_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) when 60014 then r.PERF_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) when 60016 then r.SECU_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) else 0 end) as PRI from DSS_MODULE_LINKS ml join DSS_LINK_INFO li on li.LINK_TYPE_ID = 3 and li.PREVIOUS_OBJECT_ID = ml.MODULE_ID  and li.SNAPSHOT_ID = ml.SNAPSHOT_ID join DSS_OBJECTS o on o.OBJECT_ID = li.NEXT_OBJECT_ID join DSS_OBJECT_RANKING r on r.OBJECT_ID = o.OBJECT_ID  and r.SNAPSHOT_ID = ml.SNAPSHOT_ID where ml.OBJECT_ID = ?  and ml.SNAPSHOT_ID = ?  order by PRI desc, OBJECT_FULL_NAME asc, OBJECT_ID asc limit 14 offset 0]

 Adapt the query to execute on PGAdmin


Here in the below obtained query we can see that there are three question marks ?

  1. case ?
  2. ml.OBJECT_ID = ?
  3. ml.SNAPSHOT_ID = ?  
select distinct o.OBJECT_ID as OBJECT_ID, o.OBJECT_FULL_NAME as OBJECT_FULL_NAME, o.OBJECT_NAME as OBJECT_NAME, (case ?  when 60011 then cast(r.TRAN_PROPER as bigint) when 60012 then r.CHAN_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.FAN_IN as bigint)) when 60013 then r.ROBU_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) when 60014 then r.PERF_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) when 60016 then r.SECU_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) else 0 end) as PRI from DSS_MODULE_LINKS ml join DSS_LINK_INFO li on li.LINK_TYPE_ID = 3 and li.PREVIOUS_OBJECT_ID = ml.MODULE_ID  and li.SNAPSHOT_ID = ml.SNAPSHOT_ID join DSS_OBJECTS o on o.OBJECT_ID = li.NEXT_OBJECT_ID join DSS_OBJECT_RANKING r on r.OBJECT_ID = o.OBJECT_ID  and r.SNAPSHOT_ID = ml.SNAPSHOT_ID where ml.OBJECT_ID = ?  and ml.SNAPSHOT_ID = ?  order by PRI desc, OBJECT_FULL_NAME asc, OBJECT_ID asc limit 14 offset 0

Substitute the three question marks with the values from the RestAPI URI. Here in this example the URI is - AED/applications/3/snapshots/5/components/60014?nbRows=14, hence the values to substitute will be -

  1. case 60014
  2. ml.OBJECT_ID = 3

  3. ml.SNAPSHOT_ID = 5

Set search_path = sample_central;

select distinct o.OBJECT_ID as OBJECT_ID, o.OBJECT_FULL_NAME as OBJECT_FULL_NAME, o.OBJECT_NAME as OBJECT_NAME, (case 60014 when 60011 then cast(r.TRAN_PROPER as bigint) when 60012 then r.CHAN_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.FAN_IN as bigint)) when 60013 then r.ROBU_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) when 60014 then r.PERF_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) when 60016 then r.SECU_PROPER * (1 + cast(r.HIT_COUNT as bigint)) else 0 end) as PRI from DSS_MODULE_LINKS ml join DSS_LINK_INFO li on li.LINK_TYPE_ID = 3 and li.PREVIOUS_OBJECT_ID = ml.MODULE_ID  and li.SNAPSHOT_ID = ml.SNAPSHOT_ID join DSS_OBJECTS o on o.OBJECT_ID = li.NEXT_OBJECT_ID join DSS_OBJECT_RANKING r on r.OBJECT_ID = o.OBJECT_ID  and r.SNAPSHOT_ID = ml.SNAPSHOT_ID where ml.OBJECT_ID = 3  and ml.SNAPSHOT_ID = 5  order by PRI desc, OBJECT_FULL_NAME asc, OBJECT_ID asc limit 14 offset 0

Result -


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