Purpose (problem description)

This page handle the issue of queries that run for an unexpected long time, you can observe this by comparing the query start time with the actual time, knowing that the state is active and there is no AIP component used. The following query list the queries in activity:

FROM   pg_stat_activity 
WHERE  state = 'active' 
Observed in CAST AIP
8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)

Step by Step scenario

  1. Open RDBMS session
  2. Check quries status and query start time
Action Plan
  1. As a workaround you can abort the query, for example the abort operation under CSS is as follows:
    1. Get the pid of the query:

      Figure 2
    2. Abort the query that correspond to this pid: 

      SELECT Pg_cancel_backend (PID)
  2. Check on which schema you are observing the issue, for this you have to read the query and get the schema name, then contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input


Relevant input 

  1. Screenhot showing the issue
  2. All RDBMS log files, for example CSS logfiles are located as follows: <Program Files>\CAST\CASTStorageService2\db_data\pg_log
  3. If the issue ocurs on the central base:
    1. Deployed CAST CED AED and Restapi WAR folders
    2. Logs located under <Tomcat_Installation_dir>\logs
    3. CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock export with the following options CAST Bases Checker, Export Logs, Export Configuration files, Export Computer Environment, Export CAST Bases Management Base, Knowledge Base, Central base,  Export source code
  4. If the issue ocurs on the local or mngt base:
    1. CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock export with the following options CAST Bases Checker, Export Logs, Export Configuration files, Export Computer Environment, Export CAST Bases Management Base, Knowledge Base, Central base,  Export source code
  5. If the issue ocurs on the measurment schema:
    1. Logs located under <Tomcat_Installation_dir>\logs
    2. Deployed CAST AAD and Restapi WAR folders
    3. CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock export with the following options CAST Bases Checker, Export Logs, Export Configuration files, Export Computer Environment, Export CAST Bases Central base, Measurement base

Ticket # 9271

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