RDBMS - CAST Storage Service - Error - Cast Storage Service 2 is not added as a service after installation


When installing CAST Storage Service 2 (CSS2) on a new machine as an administrator user, CSS2 does not get installed.  No error messages are seen during the installation, but the service CastStorageService2 is not added to the list of services on the machine. Below screenshot what it looks like when CAST Storage Service 2 is installed. 

Figure 1

When trying to start the pgadmin or add the service manually, an error appears:  "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)"  as seen in the screenshot below:

 Figure 2

Observed in CAST AIP

8.3.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Install CSS2 on a new VM.
  2. CSS2 service is not listed as a service and cannot be manually started. 
Impact of the Problem

The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is:

  •  No analysis can be done and no results generated without the CSS2 service. 
Action Plan

To fix the problem, proceed as follows:

  • Apply the Visual Studio 2010 SP1 C++ Redistributable Security patch from  Microsoft support on your machine. 

To manually start the service, you can run a command like the following (you may have to modify this for your machine and CSS2 setup) :

"C:\Program Files\CAST\CASTStorageService2\bin\pg_ctl" register -N "CastStorageService2" -D "C:\Program Files\CAST\CASTStorageService2\db_data"

If you want to see if this security patch is already on your machine, then go to Control Panel, type 'Installed Updates', and click on 'View Installed Updates'.

Look for 'KB2565063' under the section for Microsoft Visual C++.

This patch may not be required in all installations and may install fine in some environments without this patch.


Ticket # 4460
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