
This page provides troubleshooting approach to the error mentioned below. This is encountered while installing CSS/CSS2 or while running complete CAST Setup.

 "CAST Storage Service is already installed. Please uncheck Cast Storage Service or uninstall previous version from Windows Control Panel".

Figure 1

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step scenario
  1. Uninstall Cast Storage Service (CSS or CSS2)
  2. Try to install CSS/CSS2 or run complete CAST Setup
Action Plan
  1. If the CAST product is already uninstalled without un-registering CSS service, Delete the services manually.
    This issue occurs if the CSS is not uninstalled completely and you try to install CSS again. Ideally, before uninstalling the CAST Product or CSS, we should un-register the CastStorageService.
    To unregister the service please use the below command in command prompt.

     <CAST installation Directory>\CASTStorageService\bin>pg_ctl.exe unregister -N "CastStorageService"
  2. Now uninstall the Cast Product or CSS. If you have uninstalled the product first and has not unregistered the service, you need to delete the services manually after uninstalling the product.

  3. The Command to delete the service is

    C:\ sc delete CastStorageService
  4. If issue is still not resolved Clean the registry (NB:  Be careful with any registry cleaning.  It is strongly recommended that you have a backup of the registry before making any changes to it):
    If deleting service is not sufficient, look at the following path from registry (regedit cmd), go through the different entries, delete entry corresponding to CastStorageService :
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 
    2.  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\
  5. If the issue is still not resolved, contact Cast Technical Support 
Above example is explained for CSS1. For CSS2, replace CastStorageService with CastStorageService2

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