
This page helps you solve the following issue:

When you Click on one of the FP tiles in the HD home page:

Figure 1

FP details are not displayed for some of the apps on the HD:

Figure 2


Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (tick)
7.3.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (error)
Microsoft SQL Server (error)
CSS2 (tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Consolidated some central on HD measurement.
  2. When clicking on one of the FP tiles from the HD home page, FP details are not displayed for some of the apps on the HD.
Impact of the Problem

The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is: FP details are not displayed for some of the apps on the HD.

Action Plan

The problem is due to either a synchronization problem during the consolidation of the central containing the application or due to incomplete information on the central when the consolidation was done.

To fix the problem,

Remove the snapshot data associated with the issues from the measurement base and then re-consolidate the associated centrals again

For this proceed as follows:

  1. Identify the faulty snapshot  id and application id in the HD measurement database. Do this by running the following queries on the measurement database:   
select snapshot_id, application_id
 from dss_snapshots
 where snapshot_id not in (select snapshot_id from dss_link_info);
select snapshot_id, application_id from dss_snapshots
 where compute_end_date is null;

2. Next, find the application name linked to the application_id of the problem snapshots in the measurement database.

Do this by using the application_id above and then running the following query on the measurement database: 

select object_name from dss_objects where object_id = <application_id>;

3. Then, obtain the remote site id of the central schema using the application name found above.

Do this by running either the HDSite-GUI.exe or the HDsite CLI to list the sites and the associated central

Please see the below documentation if you are not familiar with running these tools for assistance with running them: 

The results obtained from these tools will be like this:

Found Site: <central name>.operator (<remote site id>)

Examine the list to find the central associated with the application name found above and then get the site id associated with that central.

4. Obtain the remote snapshot id of the central which has the problem by using the remote site id above and the application_id from the first step and running the following query on the measurement database. 

select site_object_id from dss_translation_table where site_id = <id of central site> and object_id = <application_id in measure site>

5. Obtain the remote application id of the central which has the problem by using the site id above and the application_id from the first step and running the following query on the measurement database (the minus signs are required).

select -site_object_id from dss_translation_table where site_id = -<application_id in measure site> and object_id = -<snapshot_id in measure site>

Here's an example of the results from the above queries: 

    • The first query shows that one problem snapshot is associated with application_id:  228 and snapshot_id: 3074 
    • The second query then provides the application name for object_id = 228 (application id from the first query):  APP1
      • select object_name from dss_objects where object_id = 228
    • Using the HDSite-GUI executable, the site listed with the remote_site_id = 189637947
      • Found Site: app1_central.operator (189637947)
    • The next query then provides the remote application id is 3 for site_id = 189637947 and object_id = 228 (application id from the first query)
      • select site_object_id from dss_translation_table where site_id = 189637947 and object_id=228;
    • The final query then provides the remote snapshot id of 25 for site_id = -228 and object_id= -3074 (negative application id and snapshot id from the first query)
      • select -(site_object_id) from dss_translation_table where site_id = -228 and object_id= -3074;
    • Therefore, the data that should be removed for APP1 that is causing the problem is for
      • remote_site_id 189637947
      • remote application id 3
      • remote snapshot id 25 
 If you identified several snapshots having the issue, you need to repeat the same steps given below on all the snapshots identified.

Clear up the measurement from the snapshot identified 

  1. Take a backup of the current measurement database.
  2. Bring up the HDConsolidation Gui in:
     <cast install directory>\HD\GUI\HDConsolidation-GUI.exe
  3. Enter the HD connection information in the HD connection tab (see screenshot attached
    Figure 3
    Figure 4
  4. Choose the action 'Reset' (DO NOT choose 'Full Reset' as that will reset everything in the measurement database)
  5. Enter the application id, snapshot id, and site above in the reset tab (see screenshot attached)

  6.  Select 'Run application' and you should see information like this in the log screen:

    Reset -url jdbc:postgresql://localhost:2280/postgres -schema HD_measure -password ******* -remote_site_id 189637947 -remote_application_id 3 -remote_snapshot_id 25
     HD Service version:
     Snapshot Deleted, ID: 3074
     Execution succeeded!
  7.  Once these steps are followed, this will allow the previous applications which were not showing data to properly show data.
  8.   You can then back up this measurement database and then re-synchronize all applications where a snapshot has been reset.
  9.   If everything was synchronized correctly, then the following queries on the measurement database should return no results:
select snapshot_id, application_id
 from dss_snapshots
 where snapshot_id not in (select snapshot_id from dss_link_info);
select snapshot_id, application_id from dss_snapshots
 where compute_end_date is null;
Note that R&D is working on a solution in 8.2 to avoid resetting the measurement base from corrupted snapshots. Reconsolidating the central only will be sufficent to correct the data in the measurement base.

If you are unable to resolve this issue after applying the above steps then please contact CAST Technical Support, with Relevant input.



 Ticket # 5450

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