Purpose (problem description)

This page describes how to troubleshoot issue related to tile that does not display value on HD dashboard:


Observed in CAST AIP


Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (error)
Microsoft SQL Server (error)
CSS2 (tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Synchronize some applications on your HD dashboard.
  2. Connect to the HD dashboard.
  3. A tile is rotating without displaying the value.
Action Plan

To troubleshoot this issue, you need the following Relevant input

Perform the below actions:

  1. Identify the URI associated to the tile
    1. First we need to identify the URI associated to the tile that is not returning the value. For this,refer "How to identify specific tile in HD using F12 developer tools" in the following page Application Analytics Dashboard - HD - Information - How to identify URI request of Simple REST Client related to a specific tile 
  2. Run the URI on RestAPI interface to identify missing data. Once the URI is identified, open the RestAPI interface associated to the HD war deployed. For this:
    1. Once the URI is identified, open the RestAPI interface associated to the HD war deployed. For this:s
      1. Open a browser, connect to the HD dashboard (http://host:8080/HD_WAR) and add static/default.html (http://host:8080/HD_WAR/static/default.html)
      2. Connect with the credential you use to connect to the HD dashboard (by default Admin/CAST)
      3. Identify any missing data returned by RestAPI. Refer to the screenshot below for an example of missing data.

      4. If no data is missing, contact CAST Technical Support with the relevant input and the identified URI.
      5. If you identified some missing data as shown in the screenshot above, the issue is probably due to a synchronisation error that happens during the consolidation of the central.
        1. To recover from this synchronization error, you need first to clean up the measurement from the incomplete data before consolidating the central again.
        2. For this you need to get the central name and the application name from which data is missing and the metric_id from where the data is missing, then go to the next step.

        If you have identified several missing data, you have to repeat the operations given below for every missing data identified. 

        Note that from 8.2, you will not have to cleanup the measurement from the incomplete data. You have only to rerun the consolidation of the central identified.

  3. Get the Site ID of the central from GUI HDSITE
    1. Once the central is identified in the RestAPI, we need to get the corresponding Site ID in the measurement base. For this, follow the steps:
      1. Open the GUI HDSITE (<CAST_flat>/GUI/HDSite-GUI.exe)
      2. Enter the information to connect to your measurement
      3. Select "List Site" and click on Run Application:
      4. In the log, identify the row corresponding to your CB and get the corresponding Site_ID

        Log extract example

         Central_2.operator (1340725456)

        We can see in the results above that the Site_id of the central_2 identified in the RestAPI in our example is 1340725456s

  4. Get the required data to cleanup the measurement from the incomplete data.Once you have identified some missing data in RestAPI results, you need to get all the required data to be able to cleanup the measurement from the incomplete data before relaunching the consolidation again.
    For this, perform the following queries on the measurement base:
    1. First identify the application and snapshot  on which data is missing.

      select snapshot_id, application_id
       from dss_snapshots
       where snapshot_id not in (select snapshot_id from dss_metric_results where metric_id = <METRIC_ID>)

      Replace the <METRIC_ID> with the one retrieved from the RestAPI

       In the example provided here, the query will be the following 

      select snapshot_id, application_id
       from dss_snapshots
       where snapshot_id not in (select snapshot_id from dss_metric_results where metric_id = 67014)

       Here is an example of the results

      Query result example



      We can see from the results above, that for the metric identified, there are 2 snapshots (snapshot 2153, 2262) from 2 different applications (1671,1685)

    2. After this, we need to find the ID of the application corresponding the one identified in the RestAPI. For this, we have to run the following query.

      select * 
      from dss_objects
      where object_id in (1671,1685) --To be replaced with the list application IDs from the results of previous query

      It returns the following for our example

      Query result example

      -- 1671;-102;"APP2";"";"APP2"

      --1685; -103; "APP32"; "APP32"

      We can see that the ID corresponding to APP2 which is the application identified in the RestAPI screenshot which is ID 1671

    3. We then have to get the corresponding ID of the application in the central. For this, we need to run the following queries on the measurement base. 

      select site_object_id 
      from dss_translation_table
       where site_id = 1340725456 --To be replaced by the Site_ID of the central get from GUI HDSITE 
       and object_id = 1671 --To be replaced by the application ID get from previous query

      It returns the following for our example

      Query result example


      Which means that application App2 (ID1671) is having ID 3 in central Central_2 (1340725456 )

    4. Same way, we have to get the corresponding ID of the snapshot in the central. For this, we need to run the following queries on the measurement base. 

      select -site_object_id
       from dss_translation_table
       where site_id = -1671 --To be replaced by MINUS the application ID get from previous query
       and object_id = -2153 --To be replaced by MINUS the snapshot ID get from previous query

      It returns the following for our example 

      Query result example


      Which means that snapshot 2153 being part of application App2 (ID1671) is having ID 7 in the central Central_2 

    5. Now we have all the informations to run the reset on the measurement base. In our example:
      • Central site: Central_2
      • Application_id: 3
      • snapshot_id: 7
  5. Cleanup the measurement base from incomplete data. To cleanup the measurement base from incomplete data, we need to follow the steps:
    1. Launch the HDConsolidation-GUI, (<CAST_flat>/GUI/HDConsolidation-GUI.exe)
    2. Enter the connection information to the measurement base.
    3. Click on the reset button (please do not click on "Full Reset" as this will cleanup the whole measurement base)
    4. Click on the Reset tab and fill the information related to the snapshot to be cleanup.
    5. Once information is filled, click on "Run Application" to launch the cleanup.
      For our example, values are the following:
  6. Relaunch the consolidation of the central that was reset Once the cleanup of the central is done, you have to relaunch the consolidation to consolidate back the snapshot that has been reset. For this, please perform the following
    1. Launch the HDConsolidation-GUI, (<CAST_flat>/GUI/HDConsolidation-GUI.exe)
    2. Enter the connection information to the measurement base.
    3. Click on the Consolidate button.
    4. Fill the information related to the central that need to be consolidated. 
    5. Once information is filled, click on "Run Application" to launch the consolidation.
       For our example, values are the following:

      Once the consolidation is done, information should be available on the HD dashboard.
  7. If you are unable to find a solution for your problem then please contact CAST Technical Support, with the Relevant input
    For CAST Technical Support only. Please refer to the page - Health Dashboard - Information - How to reproduce HD issues

 Ticket 5344, 5345

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