Purpose (problem description)

This page will help you to understand the Technical Debt calculation for added or removed violations.


Observed in CAST Version, CAST Extension Version, CAST Component Version




Observed in RDBMS



Oracle Server(error)
Microsoft SQL Server(error)
Step by Step scenario
  • Run analysis+snapshot
  • Configure and launch HD
  • Observe Added and Removed Technical Debt is 0
Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. First check the Added and Removed technical debt values stored in your central schema using below query:

    select * from dss_metric_results where metric_id in(68901,68902) and snapshot_id in(<snapshot_id>)
    If you see the value stored as 0 then go to next step otherwise contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input
  2. Open ED and check if there are Added and Removed violations present : 
  3. If yes, then check the weight of the quality rules for which violations are added or removed. If the weight is 0 for all the rules having added or removed violations  then it is expected to get 0 value in Added or Removed Technical Debt because Technical Debt calculation will consider only rules having weight other than 0.
  4. If you do not have added or removed violations then it is expected to get 0 value for Added or Removed Technical Debt since these are calculated based on Added or Removed violations.
  5. If you have added or removed violations and also weight  other than 0, then please check the status of the object using below query on central to see if the violation is only added or object itself is added. 

    select * from dss_object_statuses where object_id=<object_id>
  6. If the object status is 4 then it is unchanged. In this case Added Technical Debt will be 0 because Added Technical Debt calculation require added violation with violated object status  either added or modified.
  7. Same applies for Removed Technical Debt. Here for removed violation, not only the violation but object should be removed or modified in the particular snapshot.
  8. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input 


Relevant input


Ticket # 23598

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