Purpose (problem description)

This page will help you to resolve the issue where added violation count is not correct compared to the total violation count displayed between current and previous snapshot.

            For example, in the below snapshot we can see that added violation count displayed is 57 :


           Previous snapshot has total violation count as 8048 and current snapshot violation count is 8109 as shown above.

But when you deduct 8048  from  8109 ( there is no removed violations) it will give the difference as 61 but displayed added violation is 57.

Observed in CAST Version



Observed in RDBMS



CSS (tick)
Step by Step scenario
  • Run analysis + snapshot
  • Launch dashboard and check the violation count displayed
Action Plan

If you observe the issue with added violation count displayed in dashboard as shown above then, please perform the below actions :

  1. Consolidate the snapshots from CAST-MS and check the result in dashboard (there is bug in consolidation process which is fixed in 8.3.22. So as an alternative you can manually launch the consolidation again).
  2. If the consolidation doesn't fix your issue, then there is a possibility that the issue is with any particular Quality Rule of the application. So to find this, please run the below query in Central schema which will provide you the added violation details with its Quality Rule ID.

               select diag_id as OBJECT_ID, count(object_id) from DSS_VIOLATION_STATUSES dvs join DSS_METRIC_HISTO_TREE dmht
               on dmht.metric_id=dvs.diag_id and dmht.snapshot_id = dvs.snapshot_id
               and metric_critical=1—comment this if you want to check for all violations
               and violation_status=1 
               and dvs.snapshot_id=<Snapshot_id>
               group by diag_id
    This query will provide you the result as in the below example where we can see QR ID as well as added violation count. Based on the result you can check if any QR is missing in dashboard ( for the case explained in this page highlighted QR below was missing).     

    1. If you find any QR missing then please check if it is contributing to any Technical criteria using below query which will provide the Technical criteria ID. 

      select metric_parent_id as technical_criteria_id from DSS_METRIC_HISTO_TREE 
      where snapshot_id=15
      and metric_critical = 1 --comment this if your QR is not critical
      and metric_id = <missing_Quality_rule_id>
    2. Once you get the technical criteria ID from above query, check if it is contributing to TQI by opening this particular technical criteria in assessment model as shown in below example where in Grade Impacts tab we can see it is contributing to TQI:  
      1. If you find this  Grade Impacts tab empty then this explains why QR was not considered even though there was added violations. So to resolve this you need to manually add this contribution based on any existing assessment model of same AIP version.
  1. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input                   


Relevant input

  • Screenshot of the issue

Ticket # 25600

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