Purpose (problem description)

This page handle the case when the search box returns the message  "No results where found to match your search" instead of the researched word

Observed in CAST AIP




Observed on RDBMS



Step by Step scenario
  1. Connect to ED
  2. Search for an object
Action Plan
  1. Check if the object is not missing from ED by referring to Engineering Dashboard - Objects - Missing Objects
  2. Open the Rest API log file and check if there is an error containing the following message

    no segments* file found in MMapDirectory@G:\Program Files\Tomcat directory\webapps\CAST-Engineering\indexesDirectory\lockFactory=org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory@271f476b: files: [write.lock]


    2018-09-06 11:42:29,202| ERROR | http-nio-8080-exec-4 | com.castsoftware.adg.webservice.domains.DomainHolder | AED/applications/3/snapshots/2/search-results exception 
    com.sun.jersey.api.container.MappableContainerException: org.apache.lucene.index.IndexNotFoundException: no segments* file found in MMapDirectory@G:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0_Tomcat8_8080\webapps\CAST-Engineering\indexesDirectory\AEDapplication lockFactory=org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory@271f476b: files: [write.lock]

    If yes then, this means that the segments file is missing from the Indexes directory folder, we need to check if the file is physically missing from the disk, for that go to the following location: "Tomcat directory\deployment folder\AEDApplicationneme\IndexesDirectory\" (where Applicationneme is the name of the application)

    1. If the file is missing, then the file was not created during the deployment of the WAR, to solve the issue delete AEDApplicationneme folder from indexdirectory and restart tomcat instance.

    2. If the file is not missing then contact CAST Technical Support. with the following  Relevant input

  3. If the issue still persists, then try deleting the domain folder from war which is located at -  <Tomcat_Installation_dir>\webapps\<WAR_file>\web-inf\classes\indexesDirectory\<Domain>  followed by tomcat restart. This is not a bug but kind of corruption which happens during deployment/configuration or any phase of dashboard access. 
    Usually Rest API manages itself the creation of a Lucene index to store the data. If the index is not present at Tomcat start, it is created. This is why deleting the directory and restarting Tomcat solves the problem. The reasons why a directory or file could not be created on a machine include lack of memory, mishandling from user, power/network outage etc.


Ticket # 13612

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