Purpose (problem description)

This page handle the case when the Action Plan view is empty:

Figure 1

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server


Microsoft SQL Server




Step by Step scenario
  1. Take a snapshot
  2. Open ED
  3. Click on Action Plan tile

Action Plan

  1. Check if the table VIEWER_ACTION_PLANS is not corrupted:

    1. Check if the priority was entered from ED:

      SELECT * 
      FROM   viewer_action_plans 
      WHERE  priority NOT IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) 

      Query results sample:

      metric_id |object_id |first_snapshot_date |last_snapshot_date  |user_name|sel_date|priority |action_def                                        |---------|----------|--------------------|------------------- |---------|--------------------|---------|
      7790      |69668     |2016-12-09 00:00:00 |2100-01-01 00:00:00 |500      |2016-12-12 17:20:05 |-1 |ARI - Complexity=High Exposure= 1.00          

      If the above query do not return rows, then go to the next step, else it means that the table is corrupted. In order to repair and avoid the corruption, run the following query on the central base:

      UPDATE viewer_action_plans 
      SET priority = 2 
      WHERE priority NOT IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )

      The issue can occur if you add these values manually or with the help of a custom tool.

    2. Check if the dates are corrupted:

      1. Check if the first date of introducing the violation to the Action plan is later than the functional date of the snapshot:

        SELECT Count (1) AS count_of_corruptions 
        FROM   viewer_action_plans 
        WHERE  first_snapshot_date > (SELECT Max(functional_date) 
                                      FROM   dss_snapshots)

        Query sample results:


        The above results mean that there are 22 corruptions

        In order to fix this run the following query:

        UPDATE viewer_action_plans 
        SET    first_snapshot_date = (SELECT Max(functional_date) 
                                      FROM   dss_snapshots) 
        WHERE  first_snapshot_date > (SELECT Max(functional_date) 
                                      FROM   dss_snapshots) 
      2. Check if the LAST_SNAPSHOT_DATE associated to a violation is earlier than the FIRST_SNAPSHOT_DATE:

        SELECT Count (1) AS count_of_corruptions 
        FROM   viewer_action_plans 
        WHERE  first_snapshot_date > last_snapshot_date 

        Query sample result:



        The above results mean that there are 11 corruptions

        In order to fix this run the following query:

        UPDATE viewer_action_plans 
        SET    last_snapshot_date = '2100-01-01' 

        The issue can occur if you add these values manually or with the help of a custom tool.

      3. Check if the first_snapshot_date is null

        SELECT COUNT(*)
        FROM   viewer_action_plans
        WHERE  first_snapshot_date IS NULL;

        Query sample result:


        This means that there are 3739 rows with a first_snapshot_date of NULL.

        This should be discussed with the customer as to remediation. The items could be removed, or set to a certain date, or set to the minimum snapshot date in the current table. Here's an example of setting the first_snapshot_date to the minimum snapshot date in the current table:

        UPDATE viewer_action_plans 
        SET    first_snapshot_date = (SELECT MIN(first_snapshot_date) FROM   viewer_action_plans)
        WHERE first_snapshot_date IS NULL;

        The issue can occur if you add these values manually or with the help of a custom tool.

  2. If there were corruptions and you have fixed the corruptions, then restart tomcat application and check if the issue is solved.

  3. If the above steps do not resolve your issue, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the Relevant Input


Ticket # 8843 # 10934

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