Purpose (problem description)

This page provides the solution when peoplesoft extraction gets hung or is stuck.

Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (tick) 
Observed on RDBMS
This section is not applicable for this page(DMT)

Oracle ServerNA
Microsoft SQL ServerNA
Step by Step scenario
  1. Install Peoplesoft package
  2. Launch DMT for extraction
  3. Start Extraction and after few minutes, it gets stuck for more than 48 hours
Action Plan
  1. Check if all the pre-requisites are fulfilled 
    1. Find below the SW and HW prerequisites for the Workstation used for Extraction (where the DMT is deployed Windows or Linux) -

      1. JRE 1.7 (ideally 64 bit version to allow JVM large heap size).
      2. Minimum 1.2 GB RAM memory free, could be more for high volume versions (i.e. PSOFT 9.1 FSCM)
    2. After following the above pre-requisites if your problem is not solved then Go to next step.
  2. Select another timeframe for the extraction
    1. If the server is shared with other applications or other  users, chose another timeframe for the extraction when the server is free to speed up the extraction. If this does not solve the issue go to next step.
  3. Update statistics
    1. Update the statistics of schema

  4. Change the DMT installation location
    1. DMT location - Ideally, install the DMT on the RDBMS server (Oracle or DB2) itself.
    2. If you cannot  install the DMT on the RDBMS server then provide very good bandwidth (1 GB/s) to the Oracle / DB2 server else some remote extractions may fail due to poor VPN bandwidth connectivity to the Oracle / DB2 server (port open)
      • Here is one example to help you understand why one should install DMT on the RDBMS server -
        for the same server, extraction time is 15 minutes with DMT on the server, and 6 hours from a VM close to the server (100 Mbit/s LAN
  5. If you have changed the installation folder and yet the performance has not improved then go to next step.
  6. Contact CAST Support with Relevant input. For CAST support contact the R&D  

Relevant input

  1. Sherlock export (containing extraction logs & plugins folder in the delivery folder)
  2. Answer the below question - 
    1. version of DB2 if used ?
    2. JRE version - 64/32 bit ?
    3. free RAM memory ?
    4. where is your DMT installed ? (RDBMS server/remote machine)

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