Purpose (problem description)

This page will help you troubleshoot the problem for Forms extraction, when Forms extraction is finished without fatal error, but with zero rows extracted

Forms files imported in XXXX ms, 0 rows imported

Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
This section is not applicable for this page.


Oracle ServerNA
Microsoft SQL ServerNA
Step by Step scenario

Using DMT, do the forms packaging with option "Forms/Report on file system"
Notice, extraction finish without fatal error, but no rows extracted

i.e at the end of extraction see the message like :
Forms files imported in 7097 ms, 0 rows imported

Action Plan
  1. Check if the issue is due to dependency cycle circuits and apply the workaround following
    If one .fmb (say A) is calling other .fmb (say B) and which is calling .fmb (say C), which is calling first .fmb (i.e. A), then this is called Dependency cycle circuit.
    1. Identify the fmbs which are in the dependency cycle using the tool Tools - Forms Dependency Checker
    2. If there are Dependency cycle circuit, then
      1. workaround is to exclude all identified .fmbs from the extraction.
  2. Check if the issue is related with I/O error
    1. Cross check the extraction log and see If the .PLL are throwing I/O error such as:

      Processing forms file 'XXX.pll'
      I/O error => Failed to load lib(XXX.pll)
      Processing forms file '\XYXY.pll'|
      Invalid Forms file '\XYXY.pll'
    2. If there are such message, then workaround is to remove all such .PLL from the extraction.
    3. In case issue is still not resolved, please contact Cast Technical Support  with Relevant Input.

Relevant Input

  • Delivery folder
  • Forms source code which is being packaged

Ticket # 1476