Purpose (problem description)

The main purpose of the page is to explain how to deal with the following fatal error occuring in the DMT during the packaging :

The program Discovery Report has not ended correctly (2001)

XML Parse error at line: XX column: XX => org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: XX; columnNumber: XX; An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{2}) was found in the value of attribute "{1}" and element is "0".

This error can be found in the DMT discovery log. To see the log location, refer the section Possible location for logs of the page : Delivery Manager Tool Component DMT

Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (error) 
7.2.x | x < 5(tick)
Observed on RDBMS
This section is not applicable for this page(DMT)


Oracle ServerNA
Microsoft SQL ServerNA
Relevant input

Since the issue occurs at the packaging step in the DMT, we need:

  1. Sherlock output --> We need to check the DMT Log file (discovery log file - "discovery_..._report.CastLog2" ) and the discovery.castproject file that is in the delivery folder
  2. Source code --> The issue is due to a maven project. The pom.xml is not enough to reproduce, we need the project structure
Check the logs

Here is the crash at the DMT level:


When you open the Discovery report log file (%TEMP%/CAST/CAST/7.x/DMT), search for the error below:

XML Parse error at line: 45 column: 85 => org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 45; columnNumber: 85; An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x{2}) was found in the value of attribute "{1}" and element is "0".




In the Delivery folder, open the file discovery.CastProjects and search for error and what is the project impacted by this error. In the example below, the error appears at the lines 291 and 293 and the project involved is at line252: Open/wtr-core-cachenotification/pom.xml


In the DMT, exclude from the main package the projects that are involved in the error.

Delete these projects, and create a new package that referes to the source code related to these projects. In CAST MS, once you deploy the source code, you will have to create Analysis Units related to these projects.

Impact on Analysis Results and Dashboard

Impact of this error : Discovery fails and package is not successful.


Reference Webcall : 28816

Fix version : 7.2.5

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