
This page will help you to solve problems when the Update Sources step is running for a long time. 

To get information about different log files, their locations and to understand and explore log files as per the feature, please refer to CAST Management Studio - Information - How to find logs

For more information, refer to:

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario


  1. Package and deliver source code.
  2. Accept Delivery and set as current version.
  3. Run analysis snapshot
  4. Observe that Update Sources step is stuck.

AIP Console

  1. Add a new version.
  2. Observe that Prepare Analysis Data Step is stuck


Action Plan
  1. Run the below queries to check for duplicates in the ObJFilRef table -  

    Check for Duplicates in ObjFilRef
    select k.idkey, count(ofr.idobj)
    from vermeg_local.keys k
    join vermeg_local.objfilref ofr
    on ofr.idobj = k.idkey
    where k.objtyp in (1020127, 1020030)
    group by k.idkey
    having count(ofr.idobj)>1
    order by 2 desc
    If the query returns rows, then the issue occurs because there are duplicates in the Objfil ref table.   
    1. To solve the issue you need to patch the function, fix_AMT_processLinks.sql, in the file - <CAST Installation>\InstallScripts\CastStorageService\APPW\AMT_Saving.sql file. 
    2. The Create function also needs to be run on the local schema directly.  
    3. After which you can trigger snapshot.  
    4. Analysis can be skipped.  
    5. From AIP Versions <=8.3.38, we need to manually clean up the ObJFilRef table using the below queries - 

      Delete Duplicates
      update ObjFilRef
        set IdObj = -IdObj;
      insert into ObjFilRef (IdObj, IdFilRef, IdFil)
      select distinct -IdObj, IdFilRef, IdFil
        from ObjFilRef;
      delete from ObjFilRef
      where IdObj < 0;
  2. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant input listed below to help CAST Support team to investigate your problem or procure the required information. 

Relevant Input

Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock) : Option to select are Export Logs and Export Database (MB only). Since issue occurs during the snapshot computation, source code is not requested because analysis is already done.


Ticket # 31412

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