Purpose (problem description)

When running the dynamic link manager (DLM) with a rule file, the rule file does not ignore or validate the links.

For example, a rule which should be ignoring the links is not properly ignoring the links after execution.

For more information on this topic, see the documentation here:

Official 8.3 Documentation: CMS - Dynamic Link Manager filter rules

Official 8.2 Documentation: CMS - Dynamic Link Manager filter rules 

Official 8.1 Documentation: CMS - Dynamic Link Manager filter rules

Official 8.0 Documentation: CMS - Dynamic Link Manager filter rules

Observed in CAST AIP


8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
7.3.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)

Step by Step scenario

  1. Analyze the code
  2. Create DLM rule file
  3. Execute the DLM rule file
  4. Examine the results in DLM

Action Plan

Perform the following actions:

  1. if dynamic links are missing in the DLM review display, make sure that you do not have any ghost projects or objects that could be impacting the results. To remove ghost object and projects, see this page: SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - Identify and clean up all the ghost objects and ghost projects in your knowledge base
  2. Check if there are dynamic links to be filtered.  This TKB page can assist you with queries on this:  SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on Links - How to manually ignore dynamic links normally handled by the Dynamic Link Manager  Alternatively, you can also examine links in Dynamic Link Manager
  3. The callerType and calleeType name are defined in the databases (CB, KB, Mngt), in the table Typ. The field is typnam. The type name must be the same.
  4. Check if the DLM rule file is using the calleefullname option :

    There is a known issue with using the calleefullname option in a DLM rule. 

     To fix the problem, proceed as follows: 
    • Use another field as an alternative for example use calleename instead in the DLM rule file. 

    An example rule with the callefullname option is below: 

    <rule name="Rule1" action="ignore">
     <callerType names="JV_METHOD"/> 
     <calleeType names="CAST_Oracle_Procedure"/>
     <calleeFullName regexp=" REGEX FULLNAME HERE"/>

    And instead of using this option, the following could be used: 

     <rule name="Rule1" action="ignore">
     <callerType names="JV_METHOD"/> 
     <calleeType names="CAST_Oracle_Procedure"/>
     <calleeName regexp=" REGEX NAME HERE"/>


  5. Navigate to the below pages to solve your issue :
  6.  If this does not solve your issue, contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant input.

 Ticket # 7491

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