Purpose (problem description)

This page will help you to troubleshoot crash issues while running the Run Data Flow Security Analysis step .

Below screen shot shows an example of a crash of DataflowRunner.exe

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step scenario
  • Run optional data flow security analysis
Action Plan
  1.  If you have defined an optional blackbox. xml has been included with the purpose to remediate external methods, as per configure a blackbox.xml file
    1.  Check for Syntax error in blackbox xml file. 
      1. Open the file that can be found in blackbox location with any web browser.
      2. If the XML file is parsed correctly by the browser it is a valid xml file.
      3. Else the file is not a valid xml and should be updated.
    2. Check whether the blackbox.xml contains duplicate declaration of same class and method

      1. Open blackbox.xml and check for duplicate class definition.

      2. For any class that has defined >2, check for duplicate method definitions.
      3. Remove any duplicates.
  2. If the issue still exists contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input

Relevant input

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