
When there are several re-scan on the the same application, objects may not be visible on the dashboard for the Rule - Avoid Too Many Copy Pasted Artifacts

This may lead to unexpected results on the dashboard.

Applicable in CAST Version
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan

Perform the following action:

  1. Check the CAST-MS log for more information on the analysis steps, you can follow this page to find out the CAST-MS log location CAST Management Studio - Information - How to find logs
  2. Check if there are any issues while running NaturalMetrics step in the CAST-MS log, which is related to dataset.castvector as shown below: 

    INF: 2019-08-28 09:43:50:  C:\CAST\8.3.4/NaturalMetricsRunner.exe -batch D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LTSA\LTSA/d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3/NaturalMetricsInput.txt -out D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LISA\LISA\d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3\NaturalMetrics.datatransfer
    INF: 2019-08-28 09:43:50:  Loading (1/3): D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LISA\LISA\d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3\Scrc87932a677344541a0a210d3c81d780e\dataset.castvector 2614vectors
    INF: 2019-08-28 09:43:50:  Loading (2/3): D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LISA\LISA\d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3\Scrc7fe764e95734bcca46ec880be40f7d3\dataset.castvectorError: unable to open file: 'D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LISA\LISA\d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3\Scrc7fe764e95734bcca46ec880be40f7d3\dataset.castvector'
    INF: 2019-08-28 09:43:50:   0vectors
    INF: 2019-08-28 09:43:50:  Loading (3/3): D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LISA\LISA\d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3\Scr1d917f3f42994e17a4dd9a0f5010d6b6\dataset.castvectorError: unable to open file: 'D:\CAST\Storage and logs\LISA\LISA\d7c9add397ce4a41a5aaac9979f1a3e3\Scr1d917f3f42994e17a4dd9a0f5010d6b6\dataset.castvector'
    INF: 2019-08-28 09:43:50:   0vectors
  3. From the above CAST-MS log extract we can see that there is an issue while reading dataset.castvector generated by the analyzer and hence 0 vectors were loaded and the calculation of Copy Paste metrics did not happen properly. So perform the below steps:
    1. Take a backup of LISA folder because CAST Technical Support may need it
    2. Delete the LISA folder
    3. Rerun the analysis to generate a new dataset.castvector files. At the same time check the CAST-MS log again for any issues as explained above.
    4. If there is no issue retake the snapshot
    5. if there is an issue then contact  CAST Technical Support  with the following Relevant Input 

Relevant Input

  • CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock with options Export Log, Export Configuration Files, Export Bases (MNGT+ KB). Make sure that Sherlock is taken with the same Windows user that ran the analysis, in order to fetch file CAST-MS.log.txt properly.
  • LISA folder from customer


 Ticket # 19640

Notes / Comments