Purpose (problem description)

This page is a troubleshooting guide for the problem on Enlighten where an unexpected Entity Wrapper Type object is present, based on a string found in the logger methods.

This issue affects extension Entity Framework 1.0.0-FuncRel

Example :

Figure 1

Observed in CAST Extension
Entity Framework 1.0.0  (tick)

Observed on RDBMS


Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Analyze your application (with Entity Framewok 1.0.0-FuncRel installed)
  2. Open Enlighten
  3. See an unexpected Entity Wrapper Type object
  4. Click on it and type F11
  5. See the code : an expression found in a String used as a parameter for a logging method is underlined
Action Plan

To troubleshoot this issue, you need the following Relevant input

Perform the below actions:

  1. In the folder %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.entity.1.0.0-FuncRel, rename file EntityFrameworkMetaModelTypeWrapper.py into EntityFrameworkMetaModelTypeWrapper.py.old
  2. Install the attached script as a workaround into %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.entity.1.0.0-FuncRel
  3. If this page doesn't give a solution to the issue or give a reason for the problem then contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant input.

Relevant input

  1. CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock Export with options Export databases for Management Base and Knowledge Base only
  2. Screenshot of Enlighten, showing that the object that you are not expecting is present

Ticket ID # 9695

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