Purpose (problem description)

This page is a troubleshooting guide for the warning shown below that occurs during Shell analysis.

2016-08-29 05:21:32.812 Information Starting processing of file 'I:\Implementation\LargeStorageArea\LISA\3e90487070ea4d329bd2925c277d356d/Scr14185\Shell\3323920321_SHELL\icore\Util\UserMgmt\eitExtract.sh'
2016-08-29 05:21:32.812 Information [com.castsoftware.html5] File I:\Implementation\LargeStorageArea\LISA\3e90487070ea4d329bd2925c277d356d/Scr14185\Shell\3323920321_SHELL\icore\Util\UserMgmt\eitExtract.sh has been skipped
2016-08-29 05:21:32.812 Warning end of string '"' not found
2016-08-29 05:21:32.812 Warning File skipped : I:\Implementation\LargeStorageArea\LISA\3e90487070ea4d329bd2925c277d356d/Scr14185\Shell\3323920321_SHELL\icore\Util\UserMgmt\eitExtract.sh

Error Free Logs -  CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Universal Analyzer - Shell - Error Free Logs - CAST AIP 83

Observed in CAST Extension



Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Configure a UA Shell analysis.
  2. Run analysis.
  3. Open Log and see warning messages - end of string '"' not found followed by File Skipped.
Action Plan
  1. Check the version of Shell package that you are using with the help of the page - CAST Universal Analyzer Framework - Information - How to find which version of COE UA Config pack has been installed.
  2. If you are using a package version lower than 1.0.7 then this issue is fixed on Shell 1.0.7, as a WA do the following: 
    1. Replace the file <CAST_install_directory>CustomPlugins\com.castsoftware.shell\Configuration\Languages\SHELL\SHELLLanguagePattern.xml by the following one SHELLLanguagePattern.xml
    2. Replace the file <C:\ProgramData\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.shell.version\Configuration\Languages\SHELL\prepro\com.castsoftware.shell.prepro.jar by the following one com.castsoftware.shell.prepro.jar
    3. Run Analysis
      If the above steps donot resolve your issue then contact CAST Technical Support with  Relevant Input
  3. If you are using a version higher than 1.0.7 but still you are facing this issue then contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant Input to reproduce issue.

For Cast Technical support only. Refer to the page - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Information - How to reproduce user issues for Extension


Ticket  # 7347, 9378

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