
This page describes the solution to the following warnings that you may encounter when using Struts extension.

Analysis log file
Information�    MODULMSG ; Job execution�    [com.castsoftware.struts] creating operation S:\Sources\Test_App\Analyzed\nt\src\WEB-INF\struts-config.xml/CAST_Struts_Operation/reportfilter-setup  
Warning�    MODULMSG ; Job execution�    [com.castsoftware.struts] No class exists for action mapping /reportfilter --> org.apache.struts.action.Action  

Information�    MODULMSG ; Job execution�    [com.castsoftware.struts] creating operation S:\Sources\Test_App\Analyzed\gm\src\WEB-INF\struts-config.xml/CAST_Struts_Operation/servlet/test_App/test_main
Warning�    MODULMSG ; Job execution�    [com.castsoftware.struts] No class exists for action mapping /servlet/test_app/logoff --> None
Observed in CAST Extension



Struts 1.0.x(tick)
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Package the Java source code.
  2. Deliver and accept the delivery.
  3. Run the analysis, check in the analysis log.
Action Plan

In Struts config files, such as struts.xml or struts-config.xml, look for the definition of the action mapping quoted in the warning :

  1. If the action mapping has no type attribute, like shown below, then this is just a redirection to the page logout.jsp.

    <action path="/servlet/My App/logoff" forward="/jsp/logout.jsp"/>

    The warning has no impact, as there is no Struts Operation to be created here.

  2. If the type attribute of the action mapping refers to class org.apache.struts.actions.Action and if the mapping has a validate attribute and an input attribute like the one below, then this entry is in struts.xml. It means that the form needs to be validated (validate = "true") and it will be redirected to the existing Struts Operation action defined by "/reportfilter-setup" in case of validation failure.

    <action path="/reportfilter" name="noticeReportFilterForm" type="org.apache.struts.action.Action" scope="request" validate="true" input="/">

    The warning has no impact, as there is no Struts Operation to be created here.

  3. If the type attribute of the action mapping refers to class org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction, and if the mapping has a parameter attribute containing a JSP page like the one shown below, then this entry in struts.xml is another redirection to a JSP Page.

    action path  = "/setupAgingReport"
                type  = "org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction"
                name  = "reportForm"
                input = "/jsp/reportagingform.jsp"
          parameter = "/jsp/reportagingform.jsp"/>  

    The warning has no impact, as there is no Struts Operation to be created here.

  4. If the previous steps do not solve the issue, then contact CAST Technical Support, with the Relevant input in order to reproduce the issue

 Ticket #13951