Problem Description

While analyzing a J2ee application, we may encounter this warning in the log regarding the 'maxleangth' not defined in the TLD.

Note:There is no impact on your analysis as long it is a new attribute which is not analyzed by cast.

Observed in CAST Extension



JEE 1.1.x(coche)
JEE 1.0.x(coche)
Action Plan

This warning means that there is a difference between the TLD used for writing the application and the TLD CAST uses for the analysis.
Such warnings are encountered very often when you analyze with a CAST environment profile, an application written with a newer version of the framework.

For Example: Profile Struts 2 to analyze an application Struts 2.5.
You may get rid of this warning by

  1. Updating the folder of environment profile,
  2. Create your own environment profile For example use Struts 2.5 (same as the newer version).

Note:There is no impact on your analysis as long it is a new attribute which is not analyzed by cast.

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