Problem Description

When running .NET analysis for WPF or Silver-light application you may encounter the below warning in the analysis log and the analyzer exits normally without analyzing anything

Warning� MODULMSG ; Job execution� DOTNET.0003:Unknown exception System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The filename or extension is too long

at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)

at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)

at Roslyn.DotNet.Preprocessors.XamlWpfPreprocessor.GenerateXamlSource(String exeLocation, String language, String sourceExtension, String outputPath, String assemblyName, IEnumerable`1 applicationXaml, IEnumerable`1 pageXamls, IEnumerable`1 sourceFiles, IEnumerable`1 assemblyReferences)

at Roslyn.DotNet.ProjectBuilders.RawProjectBuilder.GetPreprocessedXamlFiles(DotNetProject projectDesc)

at Roslyn.DotNet.ProjectBuilders.RawProjectBuilder.GetSourceFiles(ProjectId projectId, DotNetProject projectDesc)

at Roslyn.DotNet.ProjectBuilders.RawProjectBuilder.AddProjectToSolution(Solution& solution, DotNetProject projectDesc, List`1 loadedProjects)

at Roslyn.DotNet.ProjectBuilders.WorkspaceBuilder.LoadAtSolutionLevel(Solution& solution, IEnumerable`1 projectsToLoad, List`1 loadedProjects)

at Roslyn.DotNet.ProjectBuilders.WorkspaceBuilder.Build(MSBuildWorkspace workspace, List`1 projects)

at Roslyn.DotNet.Analyzer.RunRoslynPartOfAnalysis(LaunchInformation launchInfo)

at Roslyn.DotNet.Analyzer.RunAnalysisAsync(LaunchInformation launchInfo)

Observed in CAST Extension Version



Observed in RDBMS



Oracle Server (tick) 
Microsoft SQL Server (tick) 
CSS2 (tick) 
Step by Step scenario
  1. Manage .NET extension 1.1.x in your bases
  2. Launch Cast-MS 
  3. Run analysis for a DotNet application which has WPF/Silverlight
Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. This issue has been seen in .NET 1.1.x and will be encountered only when you analyze WPF/Silver light application. This is because in these frameworks we have XAML files which get processed by another tool XamlWpfGenerator.exe present in .NET extension folder. When the executable arguments exceeds 260 chars which is the permissible limit of windows OS then the exception is raised.
  2. Manage 1.0.x extension and run the analysis
  3. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the Relevant Input 

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