Purpose (problem description)

This page helps to troubleshoot issues with the below error that occurs during Siebel Analysis

Malformed UAX : category 'XXX' is defined twice for a same instance (guid = 'XXX')

Observed in CAST Extension

Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)

Step by Step scenario

  1. Run Analysis

Action Plan

To troubleshoot this issue, you need the following Relevant input

Perform the below actions:

  1. Check for the duplication of GUID
    1. In the analysis log file take the GUID present in the the first occurrance of the error message. Refer to page CAST Management Studio - Information - How to find logs to find the analysis log.
    2. Open Notepad ++ and search for id="XXX" in all the files in the Deploy Folder as follows:
      In our example the technology is Siebel - Malformed UAX : category 'Siebel_Objects' is defined twice for a same instance (guid = '19.1006') so the duplicate GUID is 19.1006
      Figure 1
      Result -
      Figure 2
      1. If the GUID is not duplicated then contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input.
      2. If the GUID is duplicated like in the above screenshot we can see that the 19.1006.uax file is present in 2 folders in the Deploy folder then go to next step
  2. Check in CMS if the Version is duplicated -
    Figure 3
    In the above picture it can be seen that the Version Name and Version Date is exactly the same.
    1. If the version is duplicated then refer to the page - CMS Application - Delivery - Duplicate version
    2. If the version is not duplicated then delete the tmp folder that is located under the Deploy Folder and run the analysis.
  3. You can also come across duplicates in the deploy folder which is not located in the tmp folder like below - 


The error is due to the extractor which finds the Siebel repository to be corrupted, because, for some objects, MODIFICATION_NUM is not unique for a given object.

The fix is expected in the 5.3.2 version of the Siebel Extractor. 

If the above steps do not resolve your issue then contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant input.


Ticket # 8916, 9760

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