Purpose (problem description)

The main purpose of this page is to explain how to proceed to create a link between ASP files and SQL Server objects when it is expected to be made by the analyzer.

Observed in CAST AIP
8.1.x (tick) x < 1
8.0.x (tick) x < 3
7.3.x(tick) x < 10
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Run Analyzer for ASP application with T-SQL participating
  2. Open Enlighten and check if expected links are created between asp files and T-SQL tables.
Action Plan

This is a known issue in 7.3.x. The solution is to create the links using a Reference Finder. Below is an example of Reference Pattern :

  1. Do not filter on languages for asp technology as indicated in the above screenshot.
    Note that you can add new regular expression to match all the case of missing links.
  2. If you are not able to find a solution for this issue then contact CAST Technical Support with the following Relevant Input.

Relevant Input

Screenshots showing the missing link between the T-SQL table and the ASP File + ASP sub objects and the source code where the link must be generated as below:


 This is planned to be fixed in 7.3.10.

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