CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Information - How front end and back end of an application are linked


This page gives information on the linkage between the front end and back end of an application.

See the image below. We have Front End of the application which is a Razor view (Razor HttpRequest) and Back end of the application is a .NET controller 


Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS

In an application, there are two major parts. Front end code and back end code.

The front end will have HTML, CSHTML, PHTML, CSS, JSP, Javascript, Angular, ASPX, etc. These are codes that are related to views. This enables the user interface or that part of a software or a website that a user sees on the screen, and acts on it to enter commands or to access other parts of the software or website.

The back end refers to parts of a computer application or a program's code that allows it to operate and it cannot be accessed by a user.

Most data and operating syntax are stored and accessed in the back end of a computer system.

Typically the code is comprised of one or more programming languages.

The back end is also called the data access layer of software which can be written in .NET, Java, PHP, Python, etc.

In the screenshot below front end is CSHTML (Razor view) and back end is .NET controller classes.:

When a user requests any information to be displayed on the user interface he sends a GET HTTP request.  HTML5 and JavaScript extension create an object-specific to Razor corresponding to requests to the .NET server, as services, embedded in .cshtml files.

HTML5 and JavaScript extension create objects specific to ASP.NET corresponding to operations which are methods of controllers in the .NET server, embedded in .cs files

Call links between these two kinds of objects are created through the Web Services Linker. These two kinds of objects are identified by a URL, in order to be compatible with the Web Services Linker.

From the above screenshot, a user has sent a request to display a list of Employees so the HTTP GET request URL above is Home/LoadEmployees

The request is then sent to the back end code to execute the correct action method in the form of ASP.NET operation with URL  Home/LoadEmployees/ and then the corresponding method is executed which then sends the response back to the user interface.

The resolution of URLs between the front end and back end is done by web service linker which matches the URLs, see this page how the resolution happens.

Once the resolution is done it creates a link between the objects, to get more insight on the resolution you need to see ApplicationExtension log.

See the extract of log below which gives a heads up on the linkage.


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