Problem Description

Using CAST 7.0.9 version and Siebel version 4.0.2 configure a UI job for a Siebel application.
UI Analysis runs out of memory. Crashes with the following error/warning message in the log file:
Internal exception occurred during processing listener CUIDataReaderAction[UniversalActionsImpl::CUaxFileReaderAction]::ProcessPropertiesImport on instance uaxFile #59986 of path 'S:\..\....uax'

The generated source code in UAX files have an instance id, a parentLink and an isInProjectLink. Hence if there are more than 1000000 instances; the total would be number of objects multiplied by 3 (number of instances * 3).


<instance id="4.1007" instanceOf="XYZ">
<persistent guid="a.Project.b.c"/>
<identification name="c" fullName="c"/>
<Siebel_Objects CreatedDate="2003-06-03 19:03:32.0" CreatedBy="0-1" LastUpdDate="2003-11-11 23:02:44.0" LastUpdBy="0-1" ProjectID="1-EWN-FE61" RepositoryID="1-EWN-1" Comments="N" InactiveFlg=""/></instance>

<instance id="isInProjectLink.3614704" instanceOf="isInProjectLink">
<isInProjectLink projectRelationKind="0"/>
<link caller="4.1007" callee="91.1"/>

<instance id="parentLink.1764009" instanceOf="parentLink">
<link caller="4.1007" callee="89.11"/>

Applicable in CAST Version
8.0.x (question)   
7.3.x (question)   
Action Plan

A new jar has been introduced which can be made use for preparing the source code to reduce the count(only one link instead of 3). This improvement in the generation process allows to reduce the memory required during the analysis.

After using the new jar the .uax file will look like (no parentLink and isInProjectLink ):

<instance id="SiebelWebTemplate.14" instanceOf="SIEBEL_WEB_TMPL_APPL_TMPL">
<persistent guid=" Applet"/>
<identification name="xyz Applet" fullName="xyz Applet"/>
<CAST_Symbol_WithParent parent="Siebel_DisplayType.43"/>
<Siebel_Objects CreatedDate="2003-06-08 10:49:05.0" CreatedBy="0-1" LastUpdDate="2003-06-08 10:49:11.0" LastUpdBy="0-1" ProjectID="3-36KZ-T4D" RepositoryID="3-36KZ-1" Comments="N" InactiveFlg=""/>

  1. Replace the CASTUAXCompletionTool.jar (present at Siebel_v4.0.x\Deployment\02_Analysis\02_SourcePreparation\Utils) with the new CASTUAXCompletionTool.jar. CASTUAXCompletionTool.jar
  2. Prepare the source code 
  3. Use the newly prepared code for analysis


    The new CASTUAXCompletionTool.jar can be used for out of memory issues occured after which the analysis crashes.
    Replace the CASTUAXCompletionTool.jar in Siebel 4.0.2 package with CAST 7.0.9 version / Siebel 4.0.5 package with CAST 7.0.10 version

  4. If you are facing this issue on support version of CAST AIP then contact CAST Technical Support with relevant input.



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