
Java analysis stopped abruptly with following error in the analysis log.

Database BCP operation dbbcp_done failed on table <Local_base>.IN_CHAR_PROPERTIES

Observed in CAST Extension



JEE 1.2.x(coche)
JEE 1.0.x(coche)
*Observed on RDBMS



Oracle Server (coche)
Microsoft SQL Server (coche)
CSS3 (coche)
CSS2 (coche)
Action Plan

Follow the below steps to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Check the available disk space on the DB server. This error can happen in case of a disk space shortage. You need to get the PGAdmin log and check for the error "could not write block of temporary file: No space left on device". If you have this error you should make some spaces in DB server and run the analysis. If remaining disk space is large enough (on DB server) then proceed to the next step, else release some disk space.
  2. Check using pgadmin if there are queries still running on your KB. If so, cancel them.
    Also use ServMan and use contextual menu Troubleshooting -> Remove locks on the KB. If this does not solve the issue proceed to next step
  3. Sometimes this type of messages are generated when the local base tables are corrupt. So to fix the issue you need to perform component reinstall.
    To perform component re-install, please check this page : Server Manager - Component Re-install, if this step do not help proceed to next step.
  4. Check for any encoding issue in your source code. There are many tools available in internet to perform this checks.
    For example : "UTFCast Professional (64-bit)” to recursively check if all the files are in UTF-8 encoding.
    If you find any file not in UTF encoding then change the encoding to UTF-8 and run the analysis.
  5. If any of the above steps do not work, then IN tables need to be enabled and checked. For this
    1. Take the backup of the KB. 
    2. Temporarily remove the constraints on IN_CHAR_PROPERTIES. using the attached in_char_properties_no_constraints.sql
    3. Activate the saving of the IN tables, using this link : CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Information - AMT Saving debug mode - How to get the IN Tables from the End User
    4. Then relaunch analysis
    5. Run the below query and provide CAST Technical Support the results for Support to analyze.

      select * from in_char_properties 
                where session_is is null 
                or object_id is null 
                or property_type_id is null 
                or char_block is null; 
    6. Add the constraint back using the attached  in_char_properties_with_constraints.sql

 Ticket #18840, 18856, 17978

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