Purpose (problem description)

This page provides steps to troubleshoot the following DB2 analysis error.

SQL message: ERROR: Cannot load DB2CLI.DLL

SQL message: UDB Call Level Interface not found; cannot connect to this server with another connection layer.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step scenario
  1. Use Delivery Manager Tool and deliver the source code.
  2. Run analysis.
Action Plan

This may happen in the following two cases:

  1. Check whether DB2 client is installed on the analysis machine.
    1. For DB2 analysis it is mandatory to have DB2 client installed on the analysis machine. If it is not installed, then Analyzer will throw error. For more details, please refer the section "DB2 UDB client connection layer"  under the page Validate and configure RDBMS connection for DB2 UDB Analysis Units
  2. Check whether SYSTEM DSN for DB2 is added on the Analysis machine.
    1. If DB2 Client is installed and SYSTEM DSN is not added, then solution is to add System DSN for each DB2 UDB server you want to analyse.JDBC connection is used in DMT and in CMS for connection validation. However ODBC connection is used by CMS during analysis, that is why if system DSN is not set, Analysis fails.

      For CAST 7.3, this needs to be added for 32 bit and not 64 bit. For CAST 8.x, this should be done for 64 bit and not 32 bit

      For more detail for the 32 bit connection on 7.3.x, please refer the section "Configuring a 32bit ODBC System or user DSN entry"  under the page Validate and configure RDBMS connection for DB2 UDB Analysis Units.

      For more detail on the 64 bit connection on CAST 8.x, please refer to this page: Validate and configure RDBMS connection for DB2 UDB Analysis

  3. Verify the configuration on the analysis machine to make sure it is properly installed, configured, and setup with the help of a DB2 UDB administrator. In some cases, the DB2 UDB administrator may need to issue catalog commands (db2 catalog ...) to allow for the connection from the CAST analysis DB2 client to the DB2 server.
  4. If issue is not solved, then contact CAST Support with the following Relevant Input.

    Note that even if the connection to DB2 UDB server has been tested with DMT or Cast-MS, it just means that server name and credentials are correct, but not necessarily the connection of the analyzer. Indeed, DMT and CAST-MS connect through JDBC, whereas the analyser uses ODBC.

Relevant Input


Ticket # 2043

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