
This page would guide you to troubleshoot the problem you face while running the analysis. Any problem you face while running the Analysis will be dealt in this space.   

*Observed in CAST AIP


*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS3 (tick)
CSS2 (tick)
CSS1 (tick)
Action Plan
  1. For Identifying the issue in DB2 UDB

    1. Make sure that the version of UDB being used is supported by examining the release notes for the CAST version. For 8.2, this can be found here: IBM DB2
    2. There can be some confusion on how DB2 UDB works and is analyzed. The analysis of DB2 UDB only currently works with a LIVE database connection which requires as well the proper DB2 UDB database client installation, setup, and configuration. The DMT DB2 UDB extraction does provide an option for a DB2 UDB dump, but this then must be restored by a DB2 UDB administrator and still CAST must then have a LIVE connection to this restored database. More on this can be seen in the documentation. For 8.2, see this page: DMT - DB2 UDB
    3. Often the issues with a DB2 UDB analysis are connection related. This page provides information on troubleshooting a DB2 UDB connection: CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Fatal Error - IBM DB2 UDB with Core CAST AIP - DB2 UDB connection problem - Cannot Load DB2CLI dll
  2. Check if your issue is related to any of the issues mentioned in the pages listed below.
  3. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with below relevant input. 

Relevant input 

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock) : This will provide us the logs and the bases to understand the environment and the information about the problem. 
  2. Source Code : Required to reproduce the problem on our side to investigate further.
  3. Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots.

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