
 When we run the analysis of PL1 the analysis crashes with the below error as shown in the attached screen shot

 The analysis has not ended correctly (Error code 2)

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:
  2. Package and deliver the source code.
  3. Accept the delivery and set it as current version.
  4. Run the analysis for the Mainframe analysis unit. 
Impact of the Problem

The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is: The analysis crash in between and the analysis result would not be as expected on the dashboard.

Action Plan

To fix the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. In order to analyze the PLI files you have to determine the column number of the indicated area.
    1. Column number of the indicated area can be found from any PL1 file in the source code as shown below

      FILEIO:PROCEDURE OPTIONS(MAIN);                                   
       PROGID. FILEIO                                                    
       AUTHOR. Test file                                       
       DATE  . 2016-Aug-08                                             
        /*DECLARE */                                                     
        DCL 1 USER_DETAILS,                                              
              2 NAME                         CHAR(15),                   
              2 AGE                          CHAR(02),                   
              2 ADDR                         CHAR(15),                   
              2 STREET                       CHAR(15),                   
              2 CITY                         CHAR(15),                   
              2 COMMENT                      CHAR(18);                   
        DCL INP_CTR                          FIXED DEC(2) INIT(00);      
        DCL INP_FILE_EOF                     BIT INIT('1'B);             
        DCL USERFLE                          FILE INPUT RECORD ENV(F     
        %SKIP;                                RECSIZE(80));              
        /*OPEN FILE*/                                                    
        OPEN FILE(USERFLE);                                              
        ON ENDFILE(USERFLE) INP_FILE_EOF='0'B;                           
        READ FILE(USERFLE) INTO(USER_DETAILS);                           
        /*DO UNTIL EOF*/                                                 
        DO WHILE(INP_FILE_EOF);                                          
          PUT SKIP LIST('REC#'||INP_CTR);                                
          PUT SKIP LIST('NAME '||NAME||'AGE '||AGE||'ADDR1 '||ADDR||     
                        'STREET '||STREET||'CITY '||CITY||'COMMENT '||   
          READ FILE(USERFLE) INTO(USER_DETAILS);                         
        END FILEIO;

  2. Add the column number to the below settings in CAST-MS
     "Column of Indicator Area" to "2" in CMS Analysis settings
  3. Run the analysis.
Impact of the solution on the analysis or the dashboard is

The analysis will run as expected and dashboard will show expected result.


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